PLaSK library
No Matches
Geometry Objects


struct  plask::Circle< dim >
 Represents circle (sphere in 3D) with given radius and center at point (0, 0). More...
struct  plask::Clip< dim >
 Represent geometry object equal to its child clipped to given box. More...
struct  plask::GeometryObjectContainer< dim >
 Template of base class for all container nodes. More...
struct  plask::RotatedCuboid
 Represent a cuboid that can be rotated in a horizontal plane. More...
struct  plask::Ellipse
 Represents ellipse (sphere in 3D) with given radius and center at point (0, 0). More...
struct  plask::Intersection< dim >
 Represent geometry object equal to intersection of the children. More...
struct  plask::GeometryObjectLeaf< dim >
 Template of base classes for all leaf nodes. More...
struct  plask::Block< dim >
 Represent figure which, depends from dim is: More...
struct  plask::Flip< dim >
 Represent geometry object equal to mirror reflection of its child. More...
struct  plask::Mirror< dim >
 Represent geometry object equal to its child with mirror reflection. More...
struct  plask::GeometryObject
 Base class for all geometries. More...
struct  plask::GeometryObjectD< dim >
 Template of base roles for geometry objects in space with given number of dimensions (2 or 3). More...
struct  plask::TriangularPrism
 Represents prism with triangular base one vertex at point (0, 0, 0) and height h. More...
struct  plask::GeometryObjectSeparator< dim >
 Template of base classes for all separator nodes. More...
struct  plask::Gap1D< dim, direction >
 Gap in one, choose at compile time, direction. More...
struct  plask::StackContainerBaseImpl< dim, growingDirection >
 Common code for stack containers (which have children in stack/layers). More...
struct  plask::ShelfContainer2D
 Horizontal stack. More...
struct  plask::StackContainer< dim >
 Container which have children in stack/layers. More...
class  plask::MultiStackContainer< UpperClass >
 N-stacks. More...
struct  plask::GeometryObjectTransform< dim, Child_Type >
 Template of base class for all transform nodes. More...
struct  plask::GeometryObjectTransformSpace< this_dim, child_dim, ChildType >
 Template of base class for all transformations which change the space between its parent and child. More...
struct  plask::Translation< dim >
 Represent geometry object equal to its child translated by vector. More...
class  plask::Extrusion
 Represent 3D geometry object which are extend of 2D object (child) in lon direction. More...
struct  plask::Revolution
 Represent 3D geometry object which is an effect of revolving a 2D object (child) around the up axis. More...
struct  plask::TranslationContainer< dim >
 Geometry objects container in which every child has an associated aligner. More...
struct  plask::Triangle
 Represents triangle with one vertex at point (0, 0). More...

Detailed Description