Geometry types

These elements are are placed directly in the :xml:tag`geometry` section. All other elements must be put inside one of these geometries.


Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Cartesian2D.

Two-dimensional Cartesian geometry.

  • name – Geometry name for further reference. In the script section, the geometry is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects. (unique identifier string)

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • length – Longitudinal dimension of the geometry (float, µm).: Default value is: +infty.

  • bottom – Specification of the bottom border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • left – Specification of the left border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • right – Specification of the right border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • top – Specification of the top border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • borders – Specification of all borders. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • planar – Specification of all planar borders, i.e. all borders except top-bottom. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • {axis}-lo – where {axis} is the name of axis: Specification of lower border in {axis} direction. Alias to bottom or left. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • {axis}-hi – where {axis} is the name of axis: Specification of higher border in {axis} direction. Alias to top or right. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)


Any object from section Geometry objects 2D. If length was not given extrusion is also accepted.

<cylindrical2d> (or <cylindrical>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Cylindrical.

Two-dimensional cylindrical geometry.

  • name – Geometry name for further reference. In the script section, the geometry is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects. (unique identifier string)

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • bottom – Specification of the bottom border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • inner – Specification of the inner radical border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • outer – Specification of the outer radical border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • top – Specification of the top border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • borders – Specification of all borders. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • planar – Specification of all planar borders, i.e. all borders except top-bottom. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • {axis}-lo – where {axis} is the name of axis: Specification of lower border in {axis} direction. Alias to bottom or inner. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • {axis}-hi – where {axis} is the name of axis: Specification of higher border in {axis} direction. Alias to top or outer. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)


Any object from section Geometry objects 2D or revolution.


Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Cartesian3D.

Three-dimensional Cartesian geometry.

  • name – Geometry name for further reference. In the script section, the geometry is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects. (unique identifier string)

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • back – Specification of the back border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • bottom – Specification of the bottom border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • front – Specification of the front border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • left – Specification of the left border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • right – Specification of the right border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • top – Specification of the top border. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • borders – Specification of all borders. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • planar – Specification of all planar borders, i.e. all borders except top-bottom. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • {axis}-lo – where {axis} is the name of axis: Specification of lower border in {axis} direction. Alias to back, bottom or left. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)

  • {axis}-hi – where {axis} is the name of axis: Specification of higher border in {axis} direction. Alias to front, top or right. (any material name, mirror, periodic, or extend)


Any object from section Geometry objects 3D.