Transforms 2D

Transforms always contain a single geometry object (possibly container) as their content and perform some transformation of this object.

<arrange2d> (or <arrange>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Arrange2D.

Container in which replicates a single item in an equally-spaced row of its repetitions.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • d{X} – where {X} is the transverse axis name: Horizontal component of the spacing vector, by which the adjacent repetitions are shifted. (float, µm)

  • d{Y} – where {Y} is the vertical axis name: Vertical dimension of the spacing vector, by which the adjacent repetitions are shifted. (float, µm)

  • count (required) – Number of repetitions of the container item.


A single two-dimensional geometry object. Object to arrange in a row.

<clip2d> (or <clip>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Clip2D.

Clip child object to given rectangle.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • left – left edge of the clipping rectangle (-INF by default)

  • right – right edge of the clipping rectangle (+INF by default)

  • bottom – bottom edge of the clipping rectangle (-INF by default)

  • top – top edge of the clipping rectangle (+INF by default)


A single two-dimensional geometry object. Object to clip.

<flip2d> (or <flip>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Flip2D.

Mirror reflection of the object along specified axis.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • axis (required) – Name of the inverted axis (i.e. perpendicular to the reflection plane).


A single two-dimensional geometry object.

<intersection2d> (or <intersection>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Intersection2D.

Clip child object to given shape.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.


Two two-dimensional geometry objects. First is a clipped object, second is a clipping envelope (materials are not required in its leafs).

<mirror2d> (or <mirror>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Mirror2D.

Object mirrored along specified axis. In other words this is transformed object together with its flipped version. The bounding box of the object cannot span at bot sides of zero along inverted axis.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • axis (required) – Name of the inverted axis (i.e. perpendicular to the reflection plane).


A single two-dimensional geometry object.

<translation2d> (or <translation>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Translation2D.

A simple shift of the object. Note that the bounding box is shifted as well, so in containers that place their items basing on their bounding boxes, this transformation will have no effect.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • {X} – where {X} is the transverse axis name: Horizontal position of the origin of transformed element. (float, µm)

  • {Y} – where {Y} is the vertical axis name: Vertical position of the origin of transformed element. (float, µm)


A single two-dimensional geometry object.