Physical objects 3D

Physical objects are the leafs of the geometry tree. They represent actual objects that have some shape and defined material.

<block3D/> (or <block/>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Block3D.

Rectangular block. Its origin is located in the lower back left corner.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • material – Definition of the block material (for solid blocks).

  • material-bottom – Definition of the material of the bottom of the block (for blocks with material changing from bottom to top). You should also set material-top and both materials can differs only in composition or amount of dopant.

  • material-top – Definition of the material of top of the block (see also material-bottom).

  • material-shape – Exponent for graded materials. Setting this value to anything different than one allows non-linear change the block material.

  • d{X} (required) – where {X} is the longitudinal axis name: Longitudinal dimension of the cuboid. (float, µm)

  • d{Y} (required) – where {Y} is the transverse axis name: Transversal dimension of the cuboid. (float, µm)

  • d{Z} (required) – where {Z} is the vertical axis name: Vertical dimension of the cuboid. (float, µm)

  • depth – Alias for d{X}.

  • width – Alias for d{Y}.

  • height – Alias for d{Z}.

  • angle – Rotation angle in the horizontal (longitudinal-vertical) plane [deg]. This rotates the cuboid horizontally, so the longitudinal and transverse dimensions are no longer along the axes, but correspond to the object sides.

  • steps-num – Maximum number of the mesh steps in each direction the object is divided into if it is non-uniform.

  • steps-dist – Minimum step size if the object is non-uniform.

Either material or both material-top and material-bottom are required.


Alias for <block3d/>.


Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Cylinder.

Cylinder with its base lying in the horizontal plane. Its origin is located at the center of the lower circular base.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • material – Definition of the cylinder material (for solid cylinders).

  • material-bottom – Definition of the material of the bottom of the cylinder (for cylinders with material changing from bottom to top). You should also set material-top and both materials can differs only in composition or amount of dopant.

  • material-top – Definition of the material of top of the cylinder (see also material-bottom).

  • material-shape – Exponent for graded materials. Setting this value to anything different than one allows non-linear change the cylinder material.

  • radius (required) – Radius of the cylinder base.

  • height (required) – Height of the cylinder.

  • steps-num – Maximum number of the mesh steps in each direction the object is divided into if it is non-uniform.

  • steps-dist – Minimum step size if the object is non-uniform.


Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.EllipticCylinder.

Elliptic cylinder with its base lying in the horizontal plane. Its origin is located at the center of the lower circular base.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • material-bottom – Definition of the material of the bottom of the cylinder (for ellipses with material changing from bottom to top). You should also set material-top and both materials can differs only in composition or amount of dopant.

  • material-top – Definition of the material of top of the cylinder (see also material-bottom).

  • material-shape – Exponent for graded materials. Setting this value to anything different than one allows non-linear change the cylinder material.

  • radius0 (required) – Radius of the base ellipse in transverse direction. (float, µm)

  • radius1 (required) – Radius of the base ellipse in vertical direction. (float, µm)

  • angle – Rotation angle in the horizontal (longitudinal-transverse) plane. This rotates the ellipse horizontally, so the longitudinal and transverse dimensions are no longer along the axes, but correspond to the object sides. (float, deg)

  • height (required) – Height of the cylinder.

  • steps-num – Maximum number of the mesh steps in each direction the object is divided into if it is non-uniform.

  • steps-dist – Minimum step size if the object is non-uniform.


Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Prism.

Prism with base defined by a with vertices at specified lateral points.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • material-bottom – Definition of the material of the bottom of the polygon (for polygons with material changing from bottom to top). You should also set material-top and both materials can differs only in composition or amount of dopant.

  • material-top – Definition of the material of top of the polygon (see also material-bottom).

  • material-shape – Exponent for graded materials. Setting this value to anything different than one allows non-linear change the polygon material.

  • height (required) – Prism height in the vertical direction. (float, µm)

  • steps-num – Maximum number of the mesh steps in each direction the object is divided into if it is non-uniform.

  • steps-dist – Minimum step size if the object is non-uniform.


Polygon base longitudinal and transverse vertices separated by semicolons. Each vertex is defined by two coordinates separated by space.


<cartesian3d name="example" axes="xyz">
  <prism height="2" material="GaAs"> -2 -2; -2 3; 2 3; 2 -2 </prism>
<sphere/> (or <circle3d/>)

Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Sphere.

Sphere with centre at point (0, 0, 0).

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • material – Definition of the sphere material (for solid triangles).

  • material-bottom – Definition of the material of the bottom of the sphere (for spheres with material changing from bottom to top). You should also set material-top and both materials can differs only in composition or amount of dopant.

  • material-top – Definition of the material of top of the sphere (see also material-bottom).

  • material-shape – Exponent for graded materials. Setting this value to anything different than one allows non-linear change the sphere material.

  • radius (required) – Radius of the sphere. (float, µm)

  • steps-num – Maximum number of the mesh steps in each direction the object is divided into if it is non-uniform.

  • steps-dist – Minimum step size if the object is non-uniform.


Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.TriangularPrism.

Prism with triangular base having one vertex at point (0, 0, 0) and specified height.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • material – Definition of the triangle material (for solid triangles).

  • material-bottom – Definition of the material of the bottom of the triangle (for triangles with material changing from bottom to top). You should also set material-top and both materials can differs only in composition or amount of dopant.

  • material-top – Definition of the material of top of the triangle (see also material-bottom).

  • material-shape – Exponent for graded materials. Setting this value to anything different than one allows non-linear change the triangle material.

  • a{X} (required) – where {X} is the longitudinal axis name: Coordinate of the first base triangle vertex. (float, µm)

  • a{Y} (required) – where {Y} is the transverse axis name: Coordinate of the first base triangle vertex. (float, µm)

  • b{X} (required) – where {X} is the longitudinal axis name: Coordinate of the second base triangle vertex. (float, µm)

  • b{Y} (required) – where {Y} is the transverse axis name: Coordinate of the second base triangle vertex. (float, µm)

  • height (required) – Prism height in the vertical direction. (float, µm)

  • steps-num – Maximum number of the mesh steps in each direction the object is divided into if it is non-uniform.

  • steps-dist – Minimum step size if the object is non-uniform.


Corresponding Python class: plask.geometry.Tube.

Tube (i.e. hollow tube) with its base lying in the horizontal plane. Its origin is located at the center of the lower circular base.

  • name – Object name for further reference. In the script section, the object is available by GEO table, which is indexed by names of geometry objects.

  • axes – Specification of the axes. Most popular values are xy, yz, rz (letters are names of the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively).

  • role – Object role. Important for some solvers.

  • material – Definition of the tube material (for solid tubes).

  • material-bottom – Definition of the material of the bottom of the tube (for tubes with material changing from bottom to top). You should also set material-top and both materials can differs only in composition or amount of dopant.

  • material-top – Definition of the material of top of the tube (see also material-bottom).

  • material-shape – Exponent for graded materials. Setting this value to anything different than one allows non-linear change the tube material.

  • inner-radius (required) – Inner radius of the tube base.

  • outer-radius (required) – Outer radius of the tube base.

  • height (required) – Height of the tube.

  • steps-num – Maximum number of the mesh steps in each direction the object is divided into if it is non-uniform.

  • steps-dist – Minimum step size if the object is non-uniform.