PLaSK library
Patterson quadrature for complex function along specified line. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | align |
namespace | axis |
namespace | category |
namespace | ccategory |
namespace | detail |
namespace | details |
namespace | edge |
namespace | electrical |
namespace | gain |
namespace | hyman |
namespace | interpolation |
namespace | masked_hyman |
namespace | materials |
namespace | optical |
namespace | phys |
Basic physical quantities and functions. | |
namespace | python |
namespace | solvers |
namespace | spline |
namespace | thermal |
Classes | |
struct | __InterpolateMeta__ |
struct | __InterpolateMeta__< SrcMeshT, SrcT, DstT, __ILLEGAL_INTERPOLATION_METHOD__ > |
class | AccurateSum |
Allow to compute sum of doubles much more accurate than directly. More... | |
struct | aligned_allocator |
STL compatible allocator to use with with 16 byte aligned types. More... | |
struct | aligned_deleter |
Aligned deleter for use e.g. More... | |
struct | aligned_deleter< T[]> |
struct | ArrangeContainer |
Sequence container that repeats its child over a line shifted by a vector. More... | |
struct | AssignWithBackup |
Assign new value to variable and back the old value in destructor. More... | |
struct | AxisNames |
Held names of axises. More... | |
struct | BadId |
This is thrown if name is bad id. More... | |
struct | BadInput |
This exception is thrown when value specified by the user is bad. More... | |
struct | BadMesh |
This exception is thrown when the mesh is somehow bad. More... | |
struct | BandEdges |
Conduction and valence band edges (eV) More... | |
struct | BandMatrix |
struct | BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | Block |
Represent figure which, depends from dim is: More... | |
struct | Boundary |
Instance of this class represents predicate which chooses a subset of points (strictly: indices of points) from a mesh. More... | |
struct | BoundaryCondition |
One boundary-condition pair. More... | |
struct | BoundaryConditions |
Set of boundary conditions for given mesh type and boundary condition description type. More... | |
struct | BoundaryConditionsWithMesh |
Set of boundary conditions instances for given mesh type and boundary condition description type. More... | |
struct | BoundaryConditionWithMesh |
One boundary-condition pair concretized for a given mesh. More... | |
struct | BoundaryNodeSet |
Holds BoundaryNodeSetImpl and delegate all calls to it. More... | |
struct | BoundaryNodeSetImpl |
Base class for boundaries logic. More... | |
struct | BoundaryNodeSetWithMeshImpl |
Template of base class for boundaries of mesh with given type which store reference to mesh. More... | |
struct | BoundaryOp |
Boundary which represents union/intersection/difference (depending on OpNodeSetImplT) of boundaries. More... | |
struct | BoundingBoxCache |
Lazy cache of object bounding box. More... | |
struct | Box2D |
Rectangle class. More... | |
struct | Box3D |
Cuboid class. More... | |
struct | CacheBase |
struct | CacheRemoveOnEachChange |
Strategy of removing from cache which removes key always when it is changed. More... | |
struct | CacheRemoveOnlyWhenDeleted |
Strategy of removing from cache which removes key only when it is deleted. More... | |
struct | CacheRemoveStrategyBase |
Base class for strategy of removing from cache. More... | |
struct | CarriersConcentration |
Carriers concentration (1/cm^3) For majority carriers it is not specified whether the carriers are electrons or holes. More... | |
class | CartesianMesh2DTo3D |
3D mesh that wrap 2D mesh. More... | |
class | CartesianMesh2DTo3DExtend |
3D mesh that wrap 2D mesh (sourceMesh). More... | |
struct | CFileOutput |
struct | chooseType |
Choose nr-th type from types list. More... | |
struct | Circle |
Represents circle (sphere in 3D) with given radius and center at point (0, 0). More... | |
struct | Clip |
Represent geometry object equal to its child clipped to given box. More... | |
struct | CombinedProviderBase |
Template of base class of combine provider. More... | |
struct | CompressedSetOfNumbers |
Sorted, compressed, indexed set of numbers. More... | |
struct | ComputationError |
This exception should be thrown by solvers in case of error in computations. More... | |
struct | Conductivity |
Electrical conductivity [S/m]. More... | |
struct | ConstDataSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use ConstDataSource instead. More... | |
struct | ConstDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
struct | ConstDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
class | ConstMaterial |
struct | ConstValueLazyDataImpl |
Lazy data vector of consts. More... | |
struct | CriticalException |
Exceptions of this class are thrownin cases of critical and very unexpected errors (possible plask bugs). More... | |
struct | CurrentDensity |
Electric current density (kA/cm²) This is 2D vector for two-dimensional sovers. More... | |
struct | CustomFieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for vectorial fields that can be interpolated. More... | |
struct | CyclicReferenceException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when called operation on geometry graph will cause cyclic reference. More... | |
struct | Cylinder |
Cylinder with given height and base radius. More... | |
struct | CylReductionTo2DMesh |
This class is a 2D mesh which wraps 3D mesh (sourceMesh ), reduce each point of sourceMesh (in cylinder) to 2D and translate it by given vector (translation ). More... | |
struct | DataError |
This exception is called when operation on data vectors cannot be performed. More... | |
struct | DataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom2Dto3DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom2Dto3DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom2Dto3DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3Dto2DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3Dto2DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3Dto2DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource instead. More... | |
struct | DataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource instead. More... | |
class | DataLog |
Template of base class for classes which store or log n-dimensional data. More... | |
struct | DataSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use DataSource instead. More... | |
class | DataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
class | DataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
struct | DataSourceWithReceiver |
struct | DataVector |
Store pointer and size. More... | |
struct | DelegateProvider |
struct | DelegateProvider< _Res(_ArgTypes...)> |
Template of class which is good base class for providers which delegate calls of operator() to external functor (function or method). More... | |
struct | DgbMatrix |
Symmetric band matrix structure. More... | |
struct | Dielectric |
Base material class for all dielectrics. More... | |
struct | DiffBoundarySetImpl |
This logic holds two boundaries and represent a set difference of them. More... | |
struct | DimensionError |
This exception is thrown if there is a problem with dimensions. More... | |
struct | DirectionWithout |
struct | DirectionWithout< 2, Primitive< 2 >::DIRECTION_TRAN > |
struct | DirectionWithout< 2, Primitive< 2 >::DIRECTION_VERT > |
struct | DirectionWithout< 3, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_LONG > |
struct | DirectionWithout< 3, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_TRAN > |
struct | DirectionWithout< 3, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_VERT > |
struct | DontCopyThisField |
This template can be used to show fileds shich should be just ignore by copy constructors and assign operators of the class. More... | |
struct | DpbMatrix |
Symmetric band matrix structure. More... | |
struct | DummyMaterial |
Dummy named material. More... | |
class | DynamicLibraries |
Represent set of dynamically loaded library. More... | |
struct | DynamicLibrary |
Hold opened shared library. More... | |
struct | ElementIndexValueGetter |
struct | Ellipse |
Represents ellipse (sphere in 3D) with given radius and center at point (0, 0). More... | |
struct | EllipticCylinder |
EllipticCylinder with given height and base radius. More... | |
struct | EmptyBoundaryImpl |
Implementation of empty boundary logic. More... | |
struct | EmptyLeafCacheNode |
struct | EnergyLevels |
Energy levels for electrons and holes (eV) More... | |
struct | Epsilon |
Permittivity tensor. More... | |
class | EquilateralMesh3D |
class | EventWithSourceAndFlags |
Base class for classes which store information about event generated by objects of type SourceType . More... | |
struct | Exception |
Base class for all exceptions thrown by plask library. More... | |
struct | ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D |
3D mesh that is a cartesian product of 2D triangular mesh at long-tran and 1D mesh at vert axis. More... | |
class | Extrusion |
Represent 3D geometry object which are extend of 2D object (child) in lon direction. More... | |
struct | FemMatrix |
struct | FemSolverWithMaskedMesh |
struct | FemSolverWithMesh |
struct | FermiLevels |
Quasi-Fermi levels for electrons and holes (eV) More... | |
struct | FieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for fields. More... | |
struct | FieldProvider |
Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider class which provide values in points described by mesh and use interpolation. More... | |
struct | FieldSumProvider |
Template of class of sum provider for providers with interpolation. More... | |
struct | FieldSumProviderImpl |
Template of base class of sum provider for providers with interpolation. More... | |
struct | FieldSumProviderImpl< PropertyT, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
struct | FilterBaseImpl |
Don't use this directly, use FilterBase or Filter instead. More... | |
struct | FilterBaseImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
struct | FilterBaseImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
struct | FilterCommonBase |
struct | FilterImpl |
struct | FilterImpl< PropertyT, Geometry2DCartesian > |
Filter which provides data in 2D Cartesian space. More... | |
struct | FilterImpl< PropertyT, Geometry2DCylindrical > |
Filter which provides data in 2D cylindrical space. More... | |
struct | FilterImpl< PropertyT, Geometry3D > |
Filter which provides data in 3D Cartesian space. More... | |
struct | FiltersFactory |
Construct filters using data from XML. More... | |
struct | Flip |
Represent geometry object equal to mirror reflection of its child. More... | |
struct | FunctorIndexedIterator |
Template to create iterators which using functor having size argument. More... | |
struct | Gain |
Material gain (1/cm). More... | |
struct | Gap1D |
Gap in one, choose at compile time, direction. More... | |
struct | GenericMaterial |
Generic material, which can actually be instantiated. More... | |
struct | Geometry |
Base class for all geometry trunks. More... | |
class | Geometry2DCartesian |
Geometry trunk in 2D Cartesian space. More... | |
class | Geometry2DCylindrical |
Geometry trunk in 2D Cylindrical space. More... | |
class | Geometry3D |
Geometry trunk in 3D space. More... | |
class | GeometryD |
Base class for all geometry trunks in given space. More... | |
struct | GeometryException |
Base class for all geometry exceptions thrown by plask library. More... | |
struct | GeometryObject |
Base class for all geometries. More... | |
struct | GeometryObjectBBox |
Geometry object + its bounding box. More... | |
struct | GeometryObjectContainer |
Template of base class for all container nodes. More... | |
struct | GeometryObjectD |
Template of base roles for geometry objects in space with given number of dimensions (2 or 3). More... | |
struct | GeometryObjectLeaf |
Template of base classes for all leaf nodes. More... | |
struct | GeometryObjectSeparator |
Template of base classes for all separator nodes. More... | |
struct | GeometryObjectTransform |
Template of base class for all transform nodes. More... | |
struct | GeometryObjectTransformSpace |
Template of base class for all transformations which change the space between its parent and child. More... | |
class | GeometryReader |
Allow to read geometry from XML. More... | |
struct | Heat |
Density of heat sources [W/m²] or (W/m³). More... | |
struct | HeatFlux |
Heat flux in 2D or 3D space [W/m] or [W/m²]. More... | |
struct | HeatSumProvider |
Provider which sums heat densities from one or more sources. More... | |
struct | HeightReader |
Helper used by read_... stack functions. More... | |
struct | Holder |
Template for base class of object holder. More... | |
struct | HolderRef |
Template for base class of object holder. More... | |
struct | HollowCylinder |
Hollow cylinder (tube) with given height and two base radii (internal and external). More... | |
struct | Hyman |
struct | Hyman< dcomplex > |
struct | Hyman< Tensor2< T > > |
struct | Hyman< Tensor3< T > > |
struct | Hyman< Vec< 2, T > > |
struct | Hyman< Vec< 3, T > > |
struct | HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | IllFormatedComplex |
Exception thrown by complex parser when complex number is ill-formated. More... | |
struct | IndexedIterator |
Template to create iterators for containers which have operator[]. More... | |
struct | indices |
Don't use this directly, use applyTuple instead. More... | |
struct | InnerDataSource |
struct | InternalCacheNode |
Instances of this template represents all internal nodes of cache. More... | |
struct | InterpolatedLazyDataImpl |
Base class for lazy data (vector) that perform interpolation. More... | |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm |
Specialization of this class are used for interpolation and can depend on source mesh type, data type and the interpolation method. More... | |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< EquilateralMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< EquilateralMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< EquilateralMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< LateralMesh3D< SrcMeshT >, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< LateralMesh3D< SrcMeshT >, SrcT, DstT, method > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< SrcMeshT, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT > |
Specialization of InterpolationAlgorithm showing elegant message if algorithm default is used. More... | |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< TriangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< TriangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< TriangularMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, EquilateralMesh3D >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, EquilateralMesh3D::ElementMesh >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, RectangularMesh2D::ElementMesh >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > |
struct | InterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, RectangularMesh3D::ElementMesh >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > |
class | InterpolationFlags |
Interpolation flags that give information how to interpolate fields on periodic and symmetric geometries. More... | |
struct | Intersection |
Represent geometry object equal to intersection of the children. More... | |
struct | IntersectionBoundarySetImpl |
This logic holds two boundaries and represent a set intersection of them. More... | |
struct | is_callable |
Check if Expr is callable. More... | |
struct | IterativeMatrixParams |
struct | LateralMesh3D |
3D mesh with arbitrary lateral mesh and constant vertical coordinate. More... | |
struct | LateralVec |
struct | Lattice |
Lattice container that arranges its children in two-dimensional lattice. More... | |
class | LazyData |
Lazy data (vector). More... | |
struct | LazyDataDelegateImpl |
Call functor to get data. More... | |
struct | LazyDataFromVectorImpl |
Wrap DataVector and allow to access to it. More... | |
struct | LazyDataImpl |
Base class for implementation used by lazy data vector. More... | |
struct | LeafCacheNode |
struct | LightE |
Profile of the optical electric field [V/m]. More... | |
struct | LightH |
Profile of the optical magnetic field (A/m). More... | |
struct | LightMagnitude |
Profile of the optical field 1/2 E × conj(E) / Z0 [W/m²]. More... | |
struct | LightMagnitudeSumProvider |
Provider which sums light intensities from one or more sources. More... | |
struct | LinearInterpolatedLazyDataImpl |
Implementation of InterpolatedLazyDataImpl which calls src_mesh.interpolateLinear(src_vec, dst_mesh). More... | |
struct | LiquidCrystal |
Base material class for all liquid crystals. More... | |
class | Logger |
Abstract class that is base for all loggers. More... | |
struct | Luminescence |
Luminescence [?]. More... | |
struct | make_seq_indices_impl |
struct | make_seq_indices_impl< Begin, End, indices< Indices... > > |
struct | make_seq_indices_impl< End, End, indices< Indices... > > |
struct | Manager |
Geometry manager features: More... | |
struct | Material |
Represent material, its physical properties. More... | |
struct | MaterialCache |
class | MaterialCantBeMixedException |
struct | MaterialInfo |
Collect meta-information about material. More... | |
struct | MaterialMethodNotImplemented |
This exception is thrown by material methods which are not implemented. More... | |
struct | MaterialParseException |
Exceptions of this class are thrownwhen material string parser find errors. More... | |
struct | MaterialsDB |
Materials database. More... | |
struct | MaterialWithBase |
Material with another one as base. More... | |
struct | Mesh |
Base class for all the meshes. More... | |
class | MeshAxis |
Abstract class to derive all mesh axes from. More... | |
struct | MeshBase |
Common base for meshes and generators. More... | |
struct | MeshD |
Base class for all meshes defined for specified number of dimensions. More... | |
class | MeshGenerator |
Base class for every mesh generator. More... | |
class | MeshGeneratorD |
Base class for specific mesh generator. More... | |
struct | Metal |
Base material class for all metals. More... | |
struct | MethodIterator |
Template to create iterators which using method having index argument. More... | |
struct | MIArgumentRange |
class | MidpointAxis |
struct | MINote |
struct | Mirror |
Represent geometry object equal to its child with mirror reflection. More... | |
struct | MISee |
struct | MISeeClass |
struct | MISource |
struct | MixedMaterial |
Material which consist of several real materials. More... | |
struct | ModeEffectiveIndex |
Effective index. More... | |
struct | ModeLightE |
Profile of the optical electric field [V/m]. More... | |
struct | ModeLightH |
Profile of the optical magnetic field (A/m). More... | |
struct | ModeLightMagnitude |
Profile of the optical field 1/2 E × conj(E) / Z0 [W/m²]. More... | |
struct | ModeLoss |
Modal loss (1/cm). More... | |
struct | ModePropagationConstant |
Propagation constant (1/µm). More... | |
struct | ModeWavelength |
Wavelength (nm). More... | |
struct | MultiCustomFieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for multiple vectorial fields that can be interpolated. More... | |
struct | MultiFieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for multiple fields. More... | |
struct | MultiFieldProvider |
Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider class which provide values in points described by mesh and use interpolation. More... | |
struct | MultiLateralMesh3D |
3D mesh with arbitrary lateral mesh and vertical axis. More... | |
class | MultiStackContainer |
N-stacks. More... | |
struct | MultiValueProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for multiple value (double type by default) properties. More... | |
struct | MultiValueProvider |
Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider which provide multiple values (for example one double). More... | |
struct | MultiVectorFieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for multiple vectorial fields that can be interpolated. More... | |
struct | NamesConflictException |
Exceptions of this class are thrownby some geometry object classes when there is no required child. More... | |
struct | NaNImpl |
This template is used by NaN function and have to be specialized to support new types (other than type supported by std::numeric_limits). More... | |
struct | NaNImpl< std::complex< T > > |
Specialization of NaNImpl which adds support for complex numbers. More... | |
struct | NaNImpl< Tensor2< T > > |
Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 2D tensors. More... | |
struct | NaNImpl< Tensor3< T > > |
Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 3D tensors. More... | |
struct | NaNImpl< Vec< 2, T > > |
Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 2D vectors. More... | |
struct | NaNImpl< Vec< 3, T > > |
Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 3D vectors. More... | |
struct | NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | NearestNeighborInterpolatedLazyDataImpl |
Implementation of InterpolatedLazyDataImpl which calls src_mesh.interpolateNearestNeighbor(src_vec, dst_mesh). More... | |
struct | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | NoChildException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown by some geometry object classes when there is no required child. More... | |
struct | NoGeometryException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when solvers don't have geometry set. More... | |
class | NoLogging |
Logger switch. More... | |
struct | NoMeshException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when solvers don't have mesh set. More... | |
struct | NoProvider |
This exception is thrown, typically on access to receiver data, when there is no provider connected with it. More... | |
struct | NoSuchAxisNames |
This exception is thrown when axis (typically with given name) is not found. More... | |
struct | NoSuchGeometry |
This exception is thrown when geometry (typically with given name) is not found. More... | |
struct | NoSuchGeometryObject |
This exception is thrown when geometry object (typically with given name) is not found. More... | |
struct | NoSuchGeometryObjectType |
This exception is thrown when geometry object (typically with given name) is not found. More... | |
class | NoSuchMaterial |
This exception is thrown when material (typically with given name) is not found. More... | |
struct | NoSuchPath |
This exception is thrown when named PatHints are not found. More... | |
struct | NotImplemented |
This exception is thrown when some method is not implemented. More... | |
struct | NotUniqueObjectException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown by some geometry object classes. More... | |
struct | NoValue |
struct | OmpEnabler |
struct | OmpLock |
struct | OmpLockGuard |
struct | OmpLockState |
State of the current lock. More... | |
struct | OnePointAxis |
A trivial axis that contains only one point. More... | |
struct | OnePointMesh |
Mesh which represent set with only one point in space with size given as template parameter DIM . More... | |
class | OrderedAxis |
Rectilinear mesh in 1D space. More... | |
class | OrderedMesh1DRegularGenerator |
Generator of basic 2D geometry grid with approximately equal spacing. More... | |
struct | OrderedMesh1DSimpleGenerator |
Generator of basic 2D geometry grid. More... | |
struct | OStreamOutput |
struct | OuterDataSource |
Data source in which input object is outer and contains output object. More... | |
struct | OutOfBoundsException |
This exception is thrown when some value (function argument) is out of bound. More... | |
struct | Oxide |
Base material class for all oxides. More... | |
struct | Path |
Path in geometry graph. More... | |
struct | PathHints |
Represent hints for path finder. More... | |
struct | PointsOnCircleMeshExtend |
3D mesh that wrap 2D mesh (sourceMesh). More... | |
struct | Polygon |
struct | PolymorphicDelegateProvider |
struct | PolymorphicDelegateProvider< _BaseClass, _Res(_ArgTypes...)> |
Template of class which is a good base class for providers which delegate calls of operator() to external functor (function or method). More... | |
struct | PolymorphicForwardIterator |
Polymorphic, forward iterator. More... | |
struct | PolymorphicForwardIteratorImpl |
Base class for forward, polymorphic iterators implementations. More... | |
struct | PolymorphicForwardIteratorWithIndex |
Polymorphic, forward iterator which allow to get index of current position. More... | |
struct | PolymorphicForwardIteratorWithIndexImpl |
Base class for forward, polymorphic iterators implementations which allow to get index of current position. More... | |
struct | PolymorphicForwardIteratorWrapperImpl |
Polymorphic iterator that wrap another (usually not polymorphic) iterator (of type wrapped_iterator_type). More... | |
struct | PositionValidator |
struct | Potential |
Electric potential (V) More... | |
struct | PredicateBoundaryImpl |
Boundary logic implementation which represents set of indexes which fulfill predicate. More... | |
struct | Primitive |
Define types of primitives and constants in space with given number of dimensions. More... | |
struct | Primitive< 1 > |
Specialization of Primitive, which define types of primitives and constants in space with 1 dimensions. More... | |
struct | Primitive< 2 > |
Specialization of Primitive, which define types of primitives and constants in space with 2 dimensions. More... | |
struct | Primitive< 3 > |
Specialization of Primitive, which define types of primitives and constants in space with 3 dimensions. More... | |
struct | Printable |
Base class / helper for printable classes with virtual print method. More... | |
struct | Prism |
struct | Property |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class. More... | |
struct | Property< _propertyType, _ValueType, _ValueType, _ExtraParams... > |
struct | PropertyAt |
Describe property type in given space. More... | |
struct | PropertyAt< PropertyTag, void > |
struct | PropertyAtDimImpl |
Describe property in given space. Don't use it directly, but use PropertyAtDim. More... | |
struct | PropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 2, false > |
struct | PropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 2, true > |
Describe property in 2D space. Don't use it directly, but use PropertyAtDim. More... | |
struct | PropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 3, false > |
struct | PropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 3, true > |
Describe property in 3D space. Don't use it directly, but use PropertyAtDim. More... | |
struct | PropertyAtImpl |
struct | PropertyAtImpl< PropertyTag, Geometry2DCylindrical, Geometry3D, false > |
struct | PropertyAtImpl< PropertyTag, Geometry3D, Geometry2DCylindrical, false > |
struct | PropertyTypeToProviderName |
struct | PropertyTypeToProviderName< FIELD_PROPERTY > |
struct | PropertyTypeToProviderName< MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY > |
struct | PropertyTypeToProviderName< MULTI_VALUE_PROPERTY > |
struct | PropertyTypeToProviderName< SINGLE_VALUE_PROPERTY > |
struct | Provider |
Base class for all Providers. More... | |
struct | ProviderFor |
Specializations of this class define implementations of providers for given property tag: More... | |
struct | ProviderImpl |
Specializations of this class are implementations of providers for given property tag class and this tag properties. More... | |
struct | ProviderImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > |
Specialization which implements provider class which provides values in mesh points and uses interpolation. More... | |
struct | ProviderImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > |
Specialization which implements provider class which provides multiple values in mesh points and uses interpolation. More... | |
struct | ProviderImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_VALUE_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > |
Partial specialization which implements abstract provider class which provides a single value, typically one double. More... | |
struct | ProviderImpl< PropertyT, SINGLE_VALUE_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > |
Partial specialization which implements abstract provider class which provides a single value, typically one double. More... | |
class | Receiver |
Base class for all Receivers. More... | |
struct | ReceiverBase |
Common non-template base for all receivers. More... | |
struct | ReceiverFor |
Specializations of this class are implementations of Receiver for given property tag. More... | |
struct | Rectangular_t |
struct | Rectangular_t< 1 > |
struct | RectangularMaskedMesh2D |
Rectangular mesh which uses (and indexes) only chosen elements and all nodes in their corners. More... | |
struct | RectangularMaskedMesh3D |
Rectangular mesh which uses (and indexes) only chosen elements and all nodes in their corners. More... | |
struct | RectangularMaskedMeshBase |
Common base class for RectangularMaskedMesh 2D and 3D. More... | |
class | RectangularMesh2D |
Rectilinear mesh in 2D space. More... | |
class | RectangularMesh2DFrom1DGenerator |
Generator of 2D geometry grid using other generator for horizontal axis. More... | |
class | RectangularMesh2DRegularGenerator |
Generator of basic 2D geometry grid with approximately equal spacing. More... | |
struct | RectangularMesh2DSimpleGenerator |
Generator of basic 2D geometry grid. More... | |
class | RectangularMesh3D |
Rectangular mesh in 3D space. More... | |
struct | RectangularMesh3DRegularGenerator |
Generator of basic 3D geometry grid with approximately equal spacing. More... | |
struct | RectangularMesh3DSimpleGenerator |
Generator of basic 3D geometry grid. More... | |
struct | RectangularMeshBase2D |
struct | RectangularMeshBase3D |
struct | RectangularMeshDivideGenerator |
Dividing generator ensuring no rapid change of element size. More... | |
struct | RectangularMeshRefinedGenerator |
Dividing generator ensuring no rapid change of element size. More... | |
struct | RectangularMeshSmoothGenerator |
Dense-edge generator that has very dense sampling near edges and gradually gets wider towards the center. More... | |
class | RectilinearMesh3D |
Rectilinear mesh in 3D space. More... | |
struct | ReductionTo2DMesh |
This class is a 2D mesh which wraps 3D mesh (sourceMesh ), reduce each point of sourceMesh to 2D and translate it back by given vector (translation ). More... | |
struct | RefractiveIndex |
Refractive index. More... | |
struct | RegisterMeshGeneratorReader |
Helper which call stores mesh reader when constructed. More... | |
struct | RegisterMeshReader |
Helper which call stores mesh reader when constructed. More... | |
class | RegularAxis |
Regular mesh in 1d space. More... | |
struct | ReindexedContainer |
ReindexedContainer instantiation is class which objects have reference to original container and operator[]. More... | |
struct | Revolution |
Represent 3D geometry object which is an effect of revolving a 2D object (child) around the up axis. More... | |
struct | RotatedCuboid |
Represent a cuboid that can be rotated in a horizontal plane. More... | |
struct | SafeDataImpl |
LazyData implementation removing NaN from another data. More... | |
struct | SameMeshChecker |
Object of this class allows for checking if a given mesh is the same mesh which has been used recently. More... | |
struct | ScaledFieldProvider |
Template of class of scaled provider for providers with interpolation. More... | |
struct | ScaledFieldProviderImpl |
Template of base class of scaled provider for providers with interpolation. More... | |
struct | ScaledFieldProviderImpl< DstPropertyT, SrcPropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceT, ScaleT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
struct | ScaledFieldProviderImpl< DstPropertyT, SrcPropertyT, propertyType, SpaceT, ScaleT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
struct | ScaledLazyDataImpl |
struct | ScaledProviderBase |
Template of base of scaled provider. More... | |
struct | SegmentSet |
struct | SegmentSetMember |
struct | SegmentsIterator |
Iterate over segments. More... | |
struct | Semiconductor |
Base material class for all semiconductors and similar materials. More... | |
struct | ShelfContainer2D |
Horizontal stack. More... | |
struct | SingleValueProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for single value (double type by default) properties. More... | |
struct | SingleValueProvider |
Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider which provide one value (for example one double). More... | |
struct | SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl |
class | Solver |
Base class for all solvers. More... | |
class | SolverOver |
Base class for all solvers operating on specified space. More... | |
struct | SolverWithMesh |
Base class for all solvers operating on specified olding an external mesh. More... | |
struct | SparseBandMatrix |
struct | SparseFreeMatrix |
struct | SparseMatrix |
struct | SpatialIndexNode |
Base class for cache and nodes of cache. More... | |
struct | SplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | SplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | SplineRect2DLazyDataImpl |
struct | SplineRect3DLazyDataImpl |
struct | StackContainer |
Container which have children in stack/layers. More... | |
struct | StackContainerBaseImpl |
Common code for stack containers (which have children in stack/layers). More... | |
struct | StderrLogger |
struct | StdSetBoundaryImpl |
Implementation of boundary logic which holds a set of node indices in std::set. More... | |
class | StringInterpreter |
Objects of this class allow to parse string value and interpret it as given type. More... | |
struct | StrongCache |
Cache values of type Value using Key type to index it. More... | |
struct | Temperature |
Physical property tag class for temperature: More... | |
struct | Tensor2 |
Diagonal tensor with all lateral components equal. More... | |
struct | Tensor3 |
Non-diagonal tensor with all non-diagonal lateral projection. More... | |
struct | ThermalConductivity |
Thermal conductivity [W/m*K]. More... | |
struct | TranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use TranslatedInnerDataSource instead. More... | |
struct | TranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use TranslatedInnerDataSource instead. More... | |
struct | TranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use TranslatedInnerDataSource instead. More... | |
struct | TranslatedMesh |
Mesh which translates another mesh by given vector. More... | |
struct | TranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl |
Don't use this directly, use TranslatedOuterDataSource instead. More... | |
struct | TranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use TranslatedOuterDataSource instead. More... | |
struct | TranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > |
Don't use this directly, use TranslatedOuterDataSource instead. More... | |
struct | Translation |
Represent geometry object equal to its child translated by vector. More... | |
struct | TranslationContainer |
Geometry objects container in which every child has an associated aligner. More... | |
struct | Triangle |
Represents triangle with one vertex at point (0, 0). More... | |
struct | TriangleGenerator |
Generator which creates triangular mesh by Triangle library authored by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk. More... | |
struct | TriangularMesh2D |
struct | TriangularMesh2DGetterForRtree |
Utility struct that allows for using triangular mesh in boost::geometry::index::rtree effectively (without copying coordinates of nodes). More... | |
struct | TriangularPrism |
Represents prism with triangular base one vertex at point (0, 0, 0) and height h. More... | |
struct | TrifreeCaller |
struct | UnexpectedGeometryObjectTypeException |
This exception is thrown when geometry object has type different than expectation (for example is 3d but expected 2d). More... | |
struct | UnionBoundarySetImpl |
This logic holds a list of boundaries and represent a set of indices which is an union of sets from this boundaries. More... | |
struct | VariadicTemplateTypesHolder |
struct | Vec |
Generic template for 2D and 3D vectors. More... | |
struct | Vec< 2, T > |
Vector in 2D space. More... | |
struct | Vec< 3, T > |
Vector in 3D space. More... | |
struct | VecComponent |
Vector component helper. More... | |
struct | VecFuzzyCompare |
struct | VectorFieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for vectorial fields that can be interpolated. More... | |
struct | Voltage |
Electric voltage (V) More... | |
struct | WeakCache |
Cache values of type Value using Key type to index it. More... | |
struct | WithAligners |
Template of base class for containers which have aligners, one per child. More... | |
struct | XMLBadAttrException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when the attribute has wrong value. More... | |
struct | XMLConflictingAttributesException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown if two optional attributes in XML conflict with each other. More... | |
struct | XMLDuplicatedElementException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when illegal repetition of tag appears. More... | |
struct | XMLException |
Base class for all exceptions thrown by plask library. More... | |
struct | XMLNoAttrException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when the required attribute is not found in XML tag. More... | |
class | XMLReader |
XML pull parser. More... | |
struct | XMLUnexpectedAttrException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when the required attribute is not found in XML tag. More... | |
struct | XMLUnexpectedElementException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when the type of XML element is different than expected. More... | |
struct | XMLUnexpectedEndException |
Exceptions of this class are thrown when XML file/data stream unexpected end. More... | |
struct | XMLWriter |
Object of this class help produce valid XML documents. More... | |
struct | XMLWriterException |
Exceptions of this type are thrown by XMLWriter class. More... | |
struct | YEnds |
struct | ZeroImpl |
This template is used by Zero function and have to be specialized to support new types. More... | |
struct | ZeroImpl< Tensor2< T > > |
Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 2D vectors. More... | |
struct | ZeroImpl< Tensor3< T > > |
Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 3D vectors. More... | |
struct | ZeroImpl< Vec< 2, T > > |
Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 2D vectors. More... | |
struct | ZeroImpl< Vec< 3, T > > |
Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 2D vectors. More... | |
Typedefs | |
template<typename PropertyT , typename OutputSpaceType > | |
using | DataSource = DataSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, OutputSpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
template<typename PropertyT , typename OutputSpaceType > | |
using | ConstDataSource = ConstDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, OutputSpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
template<typename PropertyT > | |
using | DataFrom3Dto2DSource = DataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
Source of data in 2D space which read, and averages data from outer 3D space. | |
template<typename PropertyT > | |
using | DataFrom2Dto3DSource = DataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
Source of data in 3D space which read it from inner 2D space (Extrusion). | |
template<typename PropertyT > | |
using | DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource = DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
Source of data in 2D space which read, and averages data from outer 3D space. | |
template<typename PropertyT > | |
using | DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource = DataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
Source of data in 3D space which read it from inner 2D cylindrical space (Revolution). | |
template<typename PropertyT , typename OutputSpaceType > | |
using | FilterBase = FilterBaseImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, OutputSpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
Base class for filters which recalculate field from one space to another (OutputSpaceType). | |
template<typename PropertyT , typename OutputSpaceType > | |
using | Filter = FilterImpl< PropertyT, OutputSpaceType > |
Filter is a special kind of Solver which "solves" the problem using another Solvers. | |
template<typename PropertyT , typename SpaceType > | |
using | TranslatedInnerDataSource = TranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, SpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
Source of data in space SpaceType space which read it from inner space of same type. | |
template<typename PropertyT , typename SpaceType > | |
using | TranslatedOuterDataSource = TranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, SpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams > |
Source of data in space SpaceType space which read it from outer space of same type. | |
typedef Block< 2 > | Rectangle |
typedef Block< 3 > | Cuboid |
typedef boost::variant< shared_ptr< Material >, shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > > | SolidOrGradientMaterial |
Any of the allowed material types. | |
typedef std::pair< shared_ptr< GeometryObject >, shared_ptr< GeometryObject > > | Edge |
template<int dim> | |
using | StackContainerChildAligner = typename chooseType< dim-2, align::Aligner< Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_TRAN >, align::Aligner< Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_LONG, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_TRAN > >::type |
template<typename T > | |
using | aligned_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr< T, aligned_deleter< T > > |
template<typename MeshType > | |
using | UnionBoundary = BoundaryOp< MeshType, UnionBoundarySetImpl > |
Boundary which represents union of boundaries. | |
template<typename MeshType > | |
using | DiffBoundary = BoundaryOp< MeshType, DiffBoundarySetImpl > |
Boundary which represents difference of boundaries. | |
template<typename MeshType > | |
using | IntersectionBoundary = BoundaryOp< MeshType, IntersectionBoundarySetImpl > |
Boundary which represents intersection of boundaries. | |
typedef OrderedAxis | OrderedMesh1D |
template<int DIM> | |
using | RectangularMesh = typename std::conditional< DIM==2, RectangularMesh2D, typename std::conditional< DIM==3, RectangularMesh3D, void >::type >::type |
template<int DIM> | |
using | RectangularMeshBase = typename std::conditional< DIM==2, RectangularMeshBase2D, typename std::conditional< DIM==3, RectangularMeshBase3D, void >::type >::type |
template<int DIM> | |
using | RectangularMaskedMesh = typename std::conditional< DIM==2, RectangularMaskedMesh2D, typename std::conditional< DIM==3, RectangularMaskedMesh3D, void >::type >::type |
typedef RegularAxis | RegularMesh1D |
typedef boost::geometry::index::rtree< std::size_t, boost::geometry::index::quadratic< 16 >, TriangularMesh2DGetterForRtree > | RtreeOfTriangularMesh2DNodes |
Boost rtree that holds nodes of TriangularMesh2D. | |
template<typename PropertyTag , int dim> | |
using | PropertyAtDim = PropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, dim, PropertyTag::hasUniqueValueType > |
typedef FieldProperty< double > | ScalarFieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for scalar fields (fields of doubles). | |
typedef MultiFieldProperty< double > | MultiScalarFieldProperty |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for multiple scalar fields (fields of doubles). | |
typedef Solver * | solver_construct_f(const std::string &name) |
typedef std::size_t | openmp_size_t |
type similar to std::size_t which can be used in for loop with current version of OpenMP | |
template<std::size_t Begin, std::size_t End> | |
using | make_seq_indices = typename make_seq_indices_impl< Begin, End, indices<> >::type |
template<typename F > | |
using | return_type = typename std::result_of< F >::type |
typedef boost::tokenizer< boost::escaped_list_separator< char > > | split_esc_tokenizer |
typedef OStreamOutput< std::ostream & > | OStreamRef |
typedef OStreamOutput< std::ofstream > | OFStream |
typedef XMLWriter::Element | XMLElement |
Easier access to XML element type. | |
Enumerations | |
Choice of matrix factorization algorithms. More... | |
Supported interpolation methods. More... | |
Type of properties. More... | |
Functions | |
template<class T > | |
T | average (const DataVector< T > &v) |
Compute data arithmetic mean. | |
template<int dim> | |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_circle (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_Clip2D (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_Clip3D (GeometryReader &reader) |
template<typename ChildParamF , typename WithoutChildParamF > | |
void | read_children (GeometryReader &reader, ChildParamF child_param_read, WithoutChildParamF without_child_param_read) |
Read children, call child_param_read if children is in <item> tag and without_child_param_read if there was no <item> tag. | |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_cuboid (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_cylinder (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_hollow_cylinder (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_ellipse (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_elliptic_cylinder (GeometryReader &reader) |
template<int dim> | |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_Intersection (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_arrange2d (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_arrange3d (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_lattice (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_block2D (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | changeToBlock (const SolidOrGradientMaterial &material, const shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > &to_change, Vec< 3, double > &translation, bool draft=false) |
Construct Block with the same dimenstion as bounding box of to_change . | |
template<typename GeometryType > | |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_flip_like (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | readPolygon (GeometryReader &reader) |
constexpr Primitive< 3 >::Direction | direction3D (Primitive< 2 >::Direction dir2D) |
constexpr Primitive< 3 >::Direction | direction3D (Primitive< 3 >::Direction dir3D) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_triangular_prism (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_prism (GeometryReader &reader) |
bool | isAutoName (const std::string &name) |
SpatialIndexNode< 2 > * | constructInternalNode (int dir, const double &offset, SpatialIndexNode< 2 > *lo, SpatialIndexNode< 2 > *hi) |
SpatialIndexNode< 3 > * | constructInternalNode (int dir, const double &offset, SpatialIndexNode< 3 > *lo, SpatialIndexNode< 3 > *hi) |
template<int DIMS> | |
void | inPlaceSplit (std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > &inputAndLo, std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > &hi, int dir, double offset) |
template<int DIMS> | |
void | calcOptimalSplitOffset (const std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > &inputSortedByLo, const std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > &inputSortedByHi, int inputDir, int &bestDir, double &bestOffset, int &bestValue) |
Calculate optimal splitting offset in given direction. | |
template<int DIMS> | |
SpatialIndexNode< DIMS > * | buildCacheR (std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > *input, int max_depth=16) |
Build cache. | |
template<int DIMS> | |
std::unique_ptr< SpatialIndexNode< DIMS > > | buildSpatialIndex (const std::vector< shared_ptr< Translation< DIMS > > > &children) |
Build spatial index. | |
template PLASK_API std::unique_ptr< SpatialIndexNode< 2 > > | buildSpatialIndex (const std::vector< shared_ptr< Translation< 2 > > > &children) |
template PLASK_API std::unique_ptr< SpatialIndexNode< 3 > > | buildSpatialIndex (const std::vector< shared_ptr< Translation< 3 > > > &children) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_translation2D (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_translation3D (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_cartesianExtend (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_revolution (GeometryReader &reader) |
template<int dim> | |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_TranslationContainer (GeometryReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | read_triangle (GeometryReader &reader) |
template<typename T , typename S > | |
LazyData< typename ScaledLazyDataImpl< T, S >::CellType > | operator* (LazyData< T > data, const S &scale) |
Compute factor of data and a . | |
template<typename T , typename S > | |
LazyData< typename ScaledLazyDataImpl< T, S >::CellType > | operator* (const S &scale, LazyData< T > data) |
Compute factor of vec and a . | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator== (LazyData< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
Check if two lazy data vectors are equal. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator== (LazyData< T1 > const &a, DataVector< T2 > const &b) |
Check if two vectors are equal. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator== (DataVector< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
Check if two vectors are equal. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator!= (LazyData< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
Check if two data vectors are not equal. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator!= (LazyData< T1 > const &a, DataVector< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator!= (DataVector< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator< (LazyData< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator< (DataVector< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator< (LazyData< T1 > const &a, DataVector< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator> (LazyData< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator> (DataVector< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator> (LazyData< T1 > const &a, DataVector< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator<= (LazyData< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator<= (DataVector< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator<= (LazyData< T1 > const &a, DataVector< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator>= (LazyData< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator>= (DataVector< T1 > const &a, LazyData< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator>= (LazyData< T1 > const &a, DataVector< T2 > const &b) |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, LazyData< T > const &to_print) |
Print lazy data vector to stream. | |
template<typename T > | |
LazyData< T > | SafeData (const LazyData< T > &src, const T safe_value=Zero< T >()) |
Make LazyData removing NaN from another lazy data. | |
std::uint64_t | getUniqueNumber () |
Get unique number. | |
std::string | getUniqueString () |
Get unique string. | |
PLASK_API std::string | host_name () |
PLASK_API void | createDefaultLogger () |
Create default logger. | |
void | writelog (LogLevel level, const std::string &msg) |
Log a message. | |
template<typename... Args> | |
void | writelog (LogLevel level, const std::string &msg, Args &&... params) |
Log a message. | |
template<typename ConditionT > | |
ConditionT | parseBoundaryValue (const XMLReader &tag_with_value) |
Parse condition from XML tag. | |
void | checkCompositionSimilarity (const Material::Composition &material1composition, const Material::Composition &material2composition) |
std::string & | appendPart (std::string &name, const std::string &part_value, char separator) |
std::string & | appendDopant (std::string &name, const std::string &dopant_name) |
std::string & | appendLabel (std::string &name, const std::string &label) |
std::string & | appendLabelDopant (std::string &name, const std::string &label, const std::string &dopant_name) |
std::string | alloyDbKey (const Material::Composition &composition, const std::string &label, const std::string &dopant_name) |
std::string | alloyDbKey (std::vector< std::string > elNames, const std::string &label, const std::string &dopant_name) |
std::string | alloyDbKey (const std::string &name, const std::string &label, const std::string &dopant_name) |
std::string | alloyDbKey (const std::string &fullAlloyName) |
std::string | dbKey (const Material::Parameters ¶meters) |
int | elementGroup (const std::string &objectName) |
Get group in periodic table of given object . | |
template<typename NameValuePairIter > | |
void | fillGroupMaterialCompositionAmounts (NameValuePairIter begin, NameValuePairIter end, int group_nr) |
const char * | getObjectEnd (const char *begin, const char *end) |
const char * | getAmountEnd (const char *begin, const char *end) |
double | toDouble (const std::string &s, const char *fullname) |
template std::complex< double > | parse_complex< double > (std::string str_to_parse) |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr std::remove_cv< typenamestd::remove_reference< T >::type >::type | NaN () |
Construct NaN or its counterpart with given type T . | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr std::remove_cv< typenamestd::remove_reference< T >::type >::type | Zero () |
Construct NaN or its counterpart with given type T . | |
long double | conj (long double x) |
double | conj (double x) |
float | conj (float x) |
bool | is_zero (double v, double abs_supremum=SMALL) |
Check if the real number is almost zero. | |
bool | is_zero (dcomplex v) |
Check if the complex number is almost zero. | |
bool | isnan (dcomplex v) |
Check if the complex number is NaN. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | remove_nan (T val, const T nan=Zero< T >()) |
Replace NaN with some specified value (zero by default). | |
plask::dcomplex | operator* (int a, const plask::dcomplex &b) |
plask::dcomplex | operator* (const plask::dcomplex &a, int b) |
plask::dcomplex | operator* (unsigned a, const plask::dcomplex &b) |
plask::dcomplex | operator* (const plask::dcomplex &a, unsigned b) |
plask::dcomplex | operator/ (int a, const plask::dcomplex &b) |
plask::dcomplex | operator/ (const plask::dcomplex &a, int b) |
plask::dcomplex | operator/ (unsigned a, const plask::dcomplex &b) |
plask::dcomplex | operator/ (const plask::dcomplex &a, unsigned b) |
double | abs2 (const dcomplex &x) |
template<typename T > | |
const T & | clamp (const T &v, const T &min, const T &max) |
Clamp value to given range. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | in_range (const T &v, const T &beg, const T &end) |
Check if value v is in given range [beg, end). | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > | |
auto | fma (T1 to_mult_1, T2 to_mult_2, T3 to_sum) -> decltype(to_mult_1 *to_mult_2+to_sum) |
Wrapper over std::fma witch works for all types. | |
float | fma (float to_mult_1, float to_mult_2, float to_sum) |
double | fma (double to_mult_1, double to_mult_2, double to_sum) |
long double | fma (long double to_mult_1, long double to_mult_2, long double to_sum) |
bool | dbl_compare_eq (double x, double y) |
Check if two doubles are equals. | |
bool | dbl_compare_lt (double x, double y) |
Check if x is less than y . | |
bool | dbl_compare_gt (double x, double y) |
Check if x is greater than y . | |
bool | dbl_compare_lteq (double x, double y) |
Check if x is less or equals to y . | |
bool | dbl_compare_gteq (double x, double y) |
Check if x is greater or equals to y . | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< T > | parse_complex (std::string str_to_parse) |
Parse complex number in format: R+Ij, R, Ij, or (R, I), where R and I are floating point numbers (last is standard C++ format). | |
void * | aligned_malloc (std::size_t size) |
Allocate size bytes. | |
void | aligned_free (void *ptr) |
Free memory allocated with aligned_malloc. | |
void * | aligned_realloc (void *ptr, std::size_t new_size, std::size_t old_size=0) |
Reallocate an aligned block of memory. | |
template<typename T > | |
T * | aligned_malloc (std::size_t num=1) |
Create new data with aligned allocation. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | aligned_free (T *ptr) |
Delete data with aligned allocation. | |
template<typename T , typename... Args> | |
T * | aligned_new (Args &&... args) |
Create new object with aligned allocation. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | aligned_delete (T *ptr) |
Delete object with aligned allocation. | |
template<typename T , typename... Args> | |
T * | aligned_new_array (std::size_t num, Args &&... args) |
Create new array with aligned allocation. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | aligned_delete_array (std::size_t num, T *ptr) |
Delete array with aligned allocation. | |
template<typename T > | |
shared_ptr< T > | getUnique (const shared_ptr< T > &ptr) |
Copy ptr data if is not the only shared_ptr instance managing the current object, i.e. | |
template<typename T > | |
shared_ptr< T > | getUnique (const shared_ptr< const T > &ptr) |
Copy ptr data if is not the only shared_ptr instance managing the current object, i.e. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | makeUnique (shared_ptr< T > &ptr) |
Copy ptr data if is not the only shared_ptr instance managing the current object, i.e. | |
PLASK_API void | prepareNearestNeighborInterpolationForAxis (const MeshAxis &axis, const InterpolationFlags &flags, double &wrapped_point_coord, int axis_nr) |
TODO doc - this is code by M. | |
PLASK_API void | prepareInterpolationForAxis (const MeshAxis &axis, const InterpolationFlags &flags, double wrapped_point_coord, int axis_nr, std::size_t &index_lo, std::size_t &index_hi, double &lo, double &hi, bool &invert_lo, bool &invert_hi) |
TODO doc - this is code by M. | |
template<int DIM> | |
shared_ptr< OnePointMesh< DIM > > | toMesh (const plask::Vec< DIM, double > &point) |
Create one-point mesh that includes given point . | |
template<int DIM> | |
shared_ptr< TranslatedMesh< DIM > > | translate (const shared_ptr< const MeshD< DIM > > &sourceMesh, const Vec< DIM, double > &translation) |
BoundaryNodeSet | operator+ (BoundaryNodeSet left, BoundaryNodeSet right) |
Return union of left and right sets of nodes. | |
BoundaryNodeSet | operator| (BoundaryNodeSet left, BoundaryNodeSet right) |
BoundaryNodeSet | operator* (BoundaryNodeSet left, BoundaryNodeSet right) |
Return intersection of left and right sets of nodes. | |
BoundaryNodeSet | operator& (BoundaryNodeSet left, BoundaryNodeSet right) |
BoundaryNodeSet | operator- (BoundaryNodeSet left, BoundaryNodeSet right) |
Return difference of left and right sets of nodes. | |
template<typename MeshType > | |
Boundary< MeshType > | operator+ (Boundary< MeshType > left, Boundary< MeshType > right) |
Return boundary which produces the union of sets given by left and right boundaries. | |
template<typename MeshType > | |
Boundary< MeshType > | operator| (Boundary< MeshType > left, Boundary< MeshType > right) |
template<typename MeshType > | |
Boundary< MeshType > | operator* (Boundary< MeshType > left, Boundary< MeshType > right) |
Return boundary which produces the intersection of sets given by left and right boundaries. | |
template<typename MeshType > | |
Boundary< MeshType > | operator& (Boundary< MeshType > left, Boundary< MeshType > right) |
template<typename MeshType > | |
Boundary< MeshType > | operator- (Boundary< MeshType > left, Boundary< MeshType > right) |
Return boundary which produces the difference of sets given by left and right boundaries. | |
template<typename MeshType > | |
MeshType::Boundary | makeEmptyBoundary () |
Helper to create empty boundary. | |
template<typename Boundary , typename Predicate > | |
Boundary | makePredicateBoundary (Predicate predicate) |
Helper to create boundary which represents set of indexes which fulfill given predicate . | |
template<typename Boundary > | |
Boundary | parseBoundary (const std::string &PLASK_UNUSED(boundary_desc), Manager &PLASK_UNUSED(manager)) |
Parse boundary of given type from string. | |
template<typename Boundary > | |
Boundary | parseBoundary (XMLReader &PLASK_UNUSED(boundary_desc), Manager &PLASK_UNUSED(manager)) |
Parse boundary from XML reader. | |
Vec< 3, double > | from_longTran_vert (const Vec< 2, double > &longTran, const double &vert) |
Vec< 2, double > | to_longTran (const Vec< 3, double > &longTranVert) |
Box2D | to_longTran (const Box3D &box) |
template<int dim> | |
PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > | makeGeometryAxis (const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< dim > > &geometry, Primitive< 3 >::Direction dir, double split=0.) |
Get axis with points along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements. | |
shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > | makeGeometryGrid1D (const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 2 > > &geometry, double split=0.) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements. | |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh< 2 > > | makeGeometryGrid (const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 2 > > &geometry, double split=0.) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements. | |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh< 3 > > | makeGeometryGrid (const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 3 > > &geometry, double split=0.) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements. | |
shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > | refineAxis (const shared_ptr< MeshAxis > &axis, double spacing) |
Divide existing axis into finer mesh with points approximately spaced by spacing . | |
template<int dim> | |
shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > | readRectangularDivideGenerator (XMLReader &reader, Manager &manager) |
template<int dim> | |
shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > | readRectangularSmoothGenerator (XMLReader &reader, Manager &manager) |
template PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > | makeGeometryAxis (const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 2 > > &geometry, Primitive< 3 >::Direction dir, double split) |
template PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > | makeGeometryAxis (const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 3 > > &geometry, Primitive< 3 >::Direction dir, double split) |
shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > | makeGeometryGrid1D (const shared_ptr< GeometryD< 2 > > &geometry) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements. | |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh< 2 > > | makeGeometryGrid (const shared_ptr< GeometryD< 2 > > &geometry) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements. | |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh< 3 > > | makeGeometryGrid (const shared_ptr< GeometryD< 3 > > &geometry) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements. | |
shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > | readTriangleGenerator (XMLReader &reader, const Manager &) |
template<InterpolationMethod default_method> | |
InterpolationMethod | getInterpolationMethod (InterpolationMethod method) |
Helper utility that replaces INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT with particular method. | |
template<typename SrcMeshT , typename SrcT , typename DstT = SrcT> | |
LazyData< typename std::remove_const< DstT >::type > | interpolate (shared_ptr< const SrcMeshT > src_mesh, DataVector< const SrcT > src_vec, shared_ptr< const MeshD< SrcMeshT::DIM > > dst_mesh, InterpolationMethod method=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, const InterpolationFlags &flags=InterpolationFlags(), bool verbose=true) |
Calculate (interpolate when needed) a field of some physical properties in requested points of (dst_mesh) if values of this field in points of (src_mesh) are known. | |
template<typename SrcMeshT , typename SrcT , typename DstT = SrcT, typename DstMeshT > | |
LazyData< typename std::remove_const< DstT >::type > | interpolate (shared_ptr< SrcMeshT > src_mesh, DataVector< SrcT > src_vec, shared_ptr< DstMeshT > dst_mesh, InterpolationMethod method=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, const InterpolationFlags &flags=InterpolationFlags(), bool verbose=true) |
shared_ptr< OrderedMesh1D > | readRectilinearMeshAxis (XMLReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< OrderedMesh1D > | readOrderedMesh1D (XMLReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< OrderedMesh1D > | readOrderedMesh1D_obsolete (XMLReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh2D > | make_rectangular_mesh (const RectangularMesh2D &to_copy) |
Copy to_copy mesh using OrderedAxis to represent each axis in returned mesh. | |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh2D > | make_rectangular_mesh (shared_ptr< const RectangularMesh2D > to_copy) |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh3D > | make_rectangular_mesh (const RectangularMesh3D &to_copy) |
Copy to_copy mesh using OrderedAxis to represent each axis in returned mesh. | |
shared_ptr< RectangularMesh3D > | make_rectangular_mesh (shared_ptr< const RectangularMesh3D > to_copy) |
shared_ptr< MeshAxis > | readMeshAxis (XMLReader &reader) |
Read 1d mesh axis from XML. | |
template<> | |
RectangularMeshBase2D::Boundary | parseBoundary< RectangularMeshBase2D::Boundary > (const std::string &boundary_desc, plask::Manager &) |
template<> | |
RectangularMeshBase2D::Boundary | parseBoundary< RectangularMeshBase2D::Boundary > (XMLReader &boundary_desc, Manager &env) |
template<> | |
RectangularMeshBase3D::Boundary | parseBoundary< RectangularMeshBase3D::Boundary > (const std::string &boundary_desc, plask::Manager &) |
template<> | |
RectangularMeshBase3D::Boundary | parseBoundary< RectangularMeshBase3D::Boundary > (XMLReader &boundary_desc, Manager &env) |
shared_ptr< RegularMesh1D > | readRegularMeshAxis (XMLReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< RegularMesh1D > | readRegularMesh1D (XMLReader &reader) |
shared_ptr< RegularMesh1D > | readRegularMesh1D_obsolete (XMLReader &reader) |
TriangularMesh2D::Segment | makeSegment (std::size_t a, std::size_t b) |
std::size_t | readTriangularMesh2D_readNodeIndex (XMLReader &reader, const char *attrName, std::size_t nodes_size) |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > | TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::TOP > (const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts &segmentsCount) const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > | TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::LEFT > (const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts &segmentsCount) const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > | TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::RIGHT > (const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts &segmentsCount) const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > | TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::BOTTOM > (const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts &segmentsCount) const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > | TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::ALL > (const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts &segmentsCount) const |
template<> | |
TriangularMesh2D::Boundary | parseBoundary< TriangularMesh2D::Boundary > (const std::string &boundary_desc, plask::Manager &) |
template<> | |
TriangularMesh2D::Boundary | parseBoundary< TriangularMesh2D::Boundary > (XMLReader &boundary_desc, Manager &env) |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< double, double >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< double, double >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< double, double >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > >) | |
PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT (NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > >) | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | str (T x) |
Convert something to pretty string. | |
std::string | str (double x, const char *fmt="{:.9g}") |
Convert double number to pretty string. | |
std::string | str (std::complex< double > x, const char *fmt="{:.9g}{:+0.9g}j", const char *rfmt=nullptr) |
Convert complex number to pretty string. | |
template<typename ContainerType , typename Reference > | |
Reference | dereferenceByIndexOperator (ContainerType &container, std::size_t index) |
template<typename ContainerType > | |
IndexedIterator< ContainerType > | makeIndexedIterator (ContainerType *c, std::size_t index) |
Get IndexedIterator for given container. | |
template<typename Functor > | |
FunctorIndexedIterator< Functor > | makeFunctorIndexedIterator (Functor f, std::size_t index) |
Get FunctorIndexedIterator for given functor. | |
template<typename ContainerType > | |
ReindexedContainer< ContainerType > | reindexContainer (ContainerType &originalContainer, int firstIndex=0, int delta=1) |
Helper function to create ReindexedContainer instantiation objects. | |
template<typename map_t > | |
map_t::mapped_type | map_find (map_t &map, const typename map_t::key_type &to_find, typename map_t::mapped_type &&if_not_found=nullptr) |
Try find value in map by key and return if_not_found value if object was not found. | |
template<typename Iter , typename Val > | |
Iter | find_nearest_using_lower_bound (Iter begin, Iter end, const Val &to_find, Iter lower_bound) |
Find position in ascending ordered, radnom access, sequence [begin, end) of floats or doubles nearest to to_find . | |
template<typename Iter , typename Val > | |
Iter | find_nearest_binary (Iter begin, Iter end, const Val &to_find) |
Find position in ascending ordered, radnom access, sequence [begin, end) of floats or doubles nearest to to_find . | |
template<typename ForwadIterator > | |
std::ostream & | printRange (std::ostream &out, ForwadIterator begin, ForwadIterator end, const char *separator=", ") |
Print range separating elements by separator (which is not printed after last element). | |
template<typename Tuple > | |
constexpr std::size_t | tuple_size () |
template<typename Op , typename T , template< std::size_t... > class I, std::size_t... Indices> | |
constexpr auto | apply_tuple_return_type_impl (Op &&op, T &&t, I< Indices... >) -> return_type< Op(decltype(std::get< Indices >(std::forward< T >(t)))...)> |
template<typename Op , typename T > | |
constexpr auto | apply_tuple_return_type (Op &&op, T &&t) -> decltype(apply_tuple_return_type_impl(op, t, make_seq_indices< 0, tuple_size< T >()>{})) |
template<typename Ret , typename Op , typename T , template< std::size_t... > class I, std::size_t... Indices> | |
Ret | apply_tuple (Op &&op, T &&t, I< Indices... >) |
template<typename Op , typename Tuple > | |
auto | apply_tuple (Op &&op, Tuple &&t) -> decltype(apply_tuple_return_type(std::forward< Op >(op), std::forward< Tuple >(t))) |
Call f using arguments from tuple. | |
std::pair< std::string, std::string > | splitString2 (const std::string &to_split, char splitter) |
Split string to two parts: before spliter and after spliter. | |
std::string | removedChars (const std::string &str, const std::string &chars_to_remove) |
split_esc_tokenizer | splitEscIterator (const std::string &str, char splitter, char quote_char='\'', char esc_char='\\') |
Split str to sequence of tokens. | |
std::vector< std::string > | splitEsc (const std::string &str, char splitter, char quote_char='\'', char esc_char='\\') |
Split str to sequence of tokens. | |
bool | isEngLower (char ch) |
bool | isEngUpper (char ch) |
bool | isEngAlpha (char ch) |
bool | isDigit (char ch) |
bool | isCid (const char *potential_id) |
Check if potential_id is valid C/C++/python name. | |
template<typename Iter > | |
std::ostream & | print_seq (std::ostream &out, Iter begin, Iter end, const char *sep=", ") |
Print all values from sequence [begin, end) sepparating by sep . | |
template<typename Pred > | |
std::string | filterChars (const std::string &str, Pred pred) |
Calculate copy of string str without some characters. | |
template<typename CharReplacer > | |
std::string | replaceChars (const std::string &str, CharReplacer repl) |
Calculate copy of string str with some characters replaced by other. | |
template<typename RangeT , typename PredicateT , typename SequenceSequenceT = std::vector<std::string>> | |
SequenceSequenceT | splitAndTrimPred (RangeT &input, PredicateT pred, boost::algorithm::token_compress_mode_type eCompress=boost::algorithm::token_compress_off) |
Split input to sequence of tokens. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | type_name () |
Get simplified type name of given type. | |
std::string | exePathAndName () |
Retrieves the fully qualified path for current program executable file. | |
std::string | exePath () |
Get path to current program executable file. | |
std::string | prefixPath () |
Get environment variable PLASK_PREFIX_PATH (should be without rearmost '/' or '\') or, if it is not set, path one step above the current program executable file. | |
std::string | plaskLibPath () |
Get path to plask library files (shared libraries). | |
std::string | plaskSolversPath (const std::string &category) |
Get path to files (shared libraries) with solvers in given category . | |
std::string | plaskMaterialsPath () |
Get path to materials files (shared libraries). | |
template<> | |
double | abs2< 2, dcomplex > (const Vec< 2, dcomplex > &v) |
template<> | |
double | abs2< 3, dcomplex > (const Vec< 3, dcomplex > &v) |
template<> | |
double | abs< 2, double > (const Vec< 2, double > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr Vec< 2, T > | conj (const Vec< 2, T > &v) |
Calculate vector conjugate. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
auto | dot (const Vec< 2, T1 > &v1, const Vec< 2, T2 > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c0) |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
auto | cross (const Vec< 2, T1 > &v1, const Vec< 2, T2 > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c1) |
Compute (analog of 3d) cross product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
auto | dot (const Vec< 2, dcomplex > &v1, const Vec< 2, double > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c0) |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
auto | dot (const Vec< 2, dcomplex > &v1, const Vec< 2, dcomplex > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c0) |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr Vec< 2, T > | vec (const T c0__tran, const T c1__up) |
Helper to create 2D vector. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | is_zero (const Vec< 2, T > &v) |
Check if the vector is almost zero. | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr Vec< 3, T > | conj (const Vec< 3, T > &v) |
Calculate vector conjugate. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
auto | dot (const Vec< 3, T1 > &v1, const Vec< 3, T2 > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c0) |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
auto | dot (const Vec< 3, dcomplex > &v1, const Vec< 3, double > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c0) |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
auto | dot (const Vec< 3, dcomplex > &v1, const Vec< 3, dcomplex > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c0) |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr Vec< 3, T > | vec (const T c0__lon, const T c1__tran, const T c2__up) |
Helper to create 3D vector. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | is_zero (const Vec< 3, T > &v) |
Check if the vector is almost zero. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
auto | dot (const LateralVec< T1 > &v1, const LateralVec< T2 > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c0) |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
auto | cross (const LateralVec< T1 > &v1, const LateralVec< T2 > &v2) -> decltype(v1.c0 *v2.c1) |
Compute (analog of 3d) cross product of two vectors v1 and v2 . | |
template<typename T , typename OtherT > | |
auto | operator* (const OtherT scale, const Tensor2< T > &tensor) -> decltype(tensor *scale) |
Calculate this tensor multiplied by scalar scale . | |
template<typename T > | |
Tensor2< T > | conj (const Tensor2< T > &v) |
Calculate tensor conjugate. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | is_zero (const Tensor2< T > &v) |
Check if the tensor is almost zero. | |
template<typename T , typename OtherT > | |
auto | operator* (const OtherT scale, const Tensor3< T > &tensor) -> decltype(tensor *scale) |
Calculate this tensor multiplied by scalar scale . | |
template<typename T > | |
Tensor3< T > | conj (const Tensor3< T > &v) |
Calculate tensor conjugate. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | is_zero (const Tensor3< T > &v) |
Check if the tensor is almost zero. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | isnan (plask::Tensor3< T > tens) |
double | fermiDiracHalf (double x) |
template<> | |
thermal::tstatic::Convection | parseBoundaryValue< thermal::tstatic::Convection > (const XMLReader &tag_with_value) |
template<> | |
thermal::tstatic::Radiation | parseBoundaryValue< thermal::tstatic::Radiation > (const XMLReader &tag_with_value) |
Patterson quadrature for complex function along specified line.
using plask::aligned_unique_ptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<T, aligned_deleter<T> > |
Definition at line 178 of file memalloc.hpp.
using plask::ConstDataSource = typedef ConstDataSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, OutputSpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
using plask::DataFrom2Dto3DSource = typedef DataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
Source of data in 3D space which read it from inner 2D space (Extrusion).
Definition at line 237 of file change_space_size.hpp.
using plask::DataFrom3Dto2DSource = typedef DataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
Source of data in 2D space which read, and averages data from outer 3D space.
Definition at line 115 of file change_space_size.hpp.
using plask::DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource = typedef DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
Source of data in 2D space which read, and averages data from outer 3D space.
Definition at line 96 of file change_space_size_cyl.hpp.
using plask::DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource = typedef DataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
Source of data in 3D space which read it from inner 2D cylindrical space (Revolution).
Definition at line 265 of file change_space_size_cyl.hpp.
using plask::DataSource = typedef DataSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, OutputSpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
using plask::DiffBoundary = typedef BoundaryOp<MeshType, DiffBoundarySetImpl> |
Boundary which represents difference of boundaries.
Definition at line 714 of file boundary.hpp.
typedef std::pair< shared_ptr<GeometryObject>, shared_ptr<GeometryObject> > plask::Edge |
using plask::Filter = typedef FilterImpl<PropertyT, OutputSpaceType> |
Filter is a special kind of Solver which "solves" the problem using another Solvers.
It calculates its output using input of similar type and changing it in some way, for example translating it from one space to another (2D -> 3D, 3D -> 2D, etc.).
Typically filter has one or more inputs (input receiver) and one output (output provider).
PropertyT | property which has type FIELD_PROPERTY |
OutputSpaceType | space of out provider included in this filter |
Definition at line 763 of file filter.hpp.
using plask::FilterBase = typedef FilterBaseImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, OutputSpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
Base class for filters which recalculate field from one space to another (OutputSpaceType).
PropertyT | property which has type FIELD_PROPERTY |
OutputSpaceType | space of out provider included in this filter |
Definition at line 475 of file filter.hpp.
using plask::IntersectionBoundary = typedef BoundaryOp<MeshType, IntersectionBoundarySetImpl> |
Boundary which represents intersection of boundaries.
Definition at line 717 of file boundary.hpp.
using plask::make_seq_indices = typedef typename make_seq_indices_impl<Begin, End, indices<> >::type |
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for multiple scalar fields (fields of doubles).
Property tag class can be subclass of this, but never should be typedefs to this (tag class for each property must be a separate class — always use different types for different properties).
Definition at line 422 of file providerfor.hpp.
typedef OStreamOutput<std::ofstream> plask::OFStream |
Definition at line 47 of file writer.cpp.
typedef std::size_t plask::openmp_size_t |
type similar to std::size_t which can be used in for loop with current version of OpenMP
Definition at line 31 of file openmp.hpp.
Definition at line 301 of file ordered1d.hpp.
typedef OStreamOutput<std::ostream&> plask::OStreamRef |
Definition at line 46 of file writer.cpp.
using plask::PropertyAtDim = typedef PropertyAtDimImpl<PropertyTag, dim, PropertyTag::hasUniqueValueType> |
Definition at line 218 of file providerfor.hpp.
using plask::RectangularMaskedMesh = typedef typename std::conditional< DIM == 2, RectangularMaskedMesh2D, typename std::conditional<DIM == 3, RectangularMaskedMesh3D, void>::type >::type |
Definition at line 25 of file rectangular_masked.hpp.
using plask::RectangularMesh = typedef typename std::conditional< DIM == 2, RectangularMesh2D, typename std::conditional<DIM == 3, RectangularMesh3D, void>::type >::type |
Definition at line 27 of file rectangular.hpp.
using plask::RectangularMeshBase = typedef typename std::conditional< DIM == 2, RectangularMeshBase2D, typename std::conditional<DIM == 3, RectangularMeshBase3D, void>::type >::type |
Definition at line 1237 of file rectangular_common.hpp.
Definition at line 216 of file regular1d.hpp.
typedef boost::geometry::index::rtree< std::size_t, boost::geometry::index::quadratic<16>, TriangularMesh2DGetterForRtree > plask::RtreeOfTriangularMesh2DNodes |
Boost rtree that holds nodes of TriangularMesh2D.
Definition at line 771 of file triangular2d.hpp.
Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for scalar fields (fields of doubles).
Property tag class can be subclass of this, but never should be typedefs to this (tag class for each property must be a separate class — always use different types for different properties).
Definition at line 414 of file providerfor.hpp.
typedef boost::variant<shared_ptr<Material>, shared_ptr<MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory> > plask::SolidOrGradientMaterial |
Any of the allowed material types.
Definition at line 74 of file object.hpp.
Definition at line 667 of file solver.hpp.
typedef boost::tokenizer< boost::escaped_list_separator<char> > plask::split_esc_tokenizer |
Definition at line 140 of file string.hpp.
using plask::StackContainerChildAligner = typedef typename chooseType<dim-2, align::Aligner<Primitive<3>::DIRECTION_TRAN>, align::Aligner<Primitive<3>::DIRECTION_LONG, Primitive<3>::DIRECTION_TRAN> >::type |
using plask::TranslatedInnerDataSource = typedef TranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, SpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
Source of data in space SpaceType
space which read it from inner space of same type.
Definition at line 134 of file translation.hpp.
using plask::TranslatedOuterDataSource = typedef TranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl<PropertyT, PropertyT::propertyType, SpaceType, typename PropertyT::ExtraParams> |
Source of data in space SpaceType
space which read it from outer space of same type.
Definition at line 179 of file translation.hpp.
using plask::UnionBoundary = typedef BoundaryOp<MeshType, UnionBoundarySetImpl> |
Boundary which represents union of boundaries.
Definition at line 711 of file boundary.hpp.
Easier access to XML element type.
Definition at line 386 of file writer.hpp.
Definition at line 139 of file fem_solver.hpp.
Choice of matrix factorization algorithms.
Definition at line 25 of file fem_solver.hpp.
Supported interpolation methods.
Enumerator | |
INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT | Default interpolation (depends on source mesh) |
INTERPOLATION_NEAREST | Nearest neighbor interpolation. |
INTERPOLATION_LINEAR | Linear interpolation. |
INTERPOLATION_SPLINE | Spline interpolation with parabolic derivatives and Hyman monotonic filter. |
INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH_SPLINE | Spline interpolation with continuous second derivatives. |
INTERPOLATION_PERIODIC_SPLINE | Spline interpolation with continuous second derivatives and periodic edges (1D only) |
INTERPOLATION_FOURIER | Fourier transform interpolation. |
Definition at line 100 of file interpolation.hpp.
Type of properties.
Enumerator | |
SINGLE_VALUE_PROPERTY | Single value property. |
MULTI_VALUE_PROPERTY | Multiple values property. |
FIELD_PROPERTY | Property for field which can be interpolated. |
MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY | Property for multiple fields which can be interpolated. |
Definition at line 34 of file providerfor.hpp.
inline |
inline |
Delete object with aligned allocation.
ptr | pointer of object to delete |
T | object type |
Definition at line 199 of file memalloc.hpp.
Delete array with aligned allocation.
ptr | pointer of object to delete |
num | number of array elements |
T | object type |
Definition at line 224 of file memalloc.hpp.
Delete data with aligned allocation.
ptr | pointer of object to delete |
T | object type |
Definition at line 153 of file memalloc.hpp.
Free memory allocated with aligned_malloc.
ptr | pointer to free |
Definition at line 101 of file memalloc.hpp.
inline |
Create new data with aligned allocation.
T | object type |
num | number of array elements |
Definition at line 142 of file memalloc.hpp.
inline |
Allocate size bytes.
The returned pointer is guaranteed to have 16 bytes alignment.
size | number of bytes to allocate |
std::bad_alloc | on allocation failure |
Definition at line 83 of file memalloc.hpp.
Create new object with aligned allocation.
T | object type |
args | arguments forwarded to object constructor |
Definition at line 187 of file memalloc.hpp.
inline |
Create new array with aligned allocation.
T | object type |
num | number of array elements |
args | arguments forwarded to object constructor |
Definition at line 211 of file memalloc.hpp.
Reallocate an aligned block of memory.
ptr | pointer to reallocate |
new_size | new size |
old_size | old size |
std::bad_alloc | on allocation failure |
Definition at line 120 of file memalloc.hpp.
std::string plask::alloyDbKey | ( | const Material::Composition & | composition, |
const std::string & | label, | ||
const std::string & | dopant_name | ||
) |
std::string plask::alloyDbKey | ( | const std::string & | fullAlloyName | ) |
std::string & plask::appendDopant | ( | std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | dopant_name | ||
) |
std::string & plask::appendLabel | ( | std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | label | ||
) |
constexpr |
constexpr |
T plask::average | ( | const DataVector< T > & | v | ) |
inline |
Build cache.
input | 1 + DIMS * 2 vectors sorted by:
max_depth | maximum depth |
Definition at line 230 of file spatial_index.cpp.
template PLASK_API std::unique_ptr< SpatialIndexNode< 2 > > plask::buildSpatialIndex | ( | const std::vector< shared_ptr< Translation< 2 > > > & | children | ) |
template PLASK_API std::unique_ptr< SpatialIndexNode< 3 > > plask::buildSpatialIndex | ( | const std::vector< shared_ptr< Translation< 3 > > > & | children | ) |
std::unique_ptr< SpatialIndexNode< DIMS > > plask::buildSpatialIndex | ( | const std::vector< shared_ptr< Translation< DIMS > > > & | children | ) |
Build spatial index.
The index prevent reverse order of children in case of material searching.
children | vector of geometry object for which index should be build |
Definition at line 251 of file spatial_index.cpp.
void plask::calcOptimalSplitOffset | ( | const std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > & | inputSortedByLo, |
const std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > & | inputSortedByHi, | ||
int | inputDir, | ||
int & | bestDir, | ||
double & | bestOffset, | ||
int & | bestValue | ||
) |
Calculate optimal splitting offset in given direction.
inputSortedByLo,inputSortedByHi | input vector sorted by lo and hi boxes coordinates (in inputDir) |
inputDir | searched direction |
bestDir,bestOffset,bestValue | parameters of earlier best point, eventually changed |
Definition at line 188 of file spatial_index.cpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::changeToBlock | ( | const SolidOrGradientMaterial & | material, |
const shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > & | to_change, | ||
Vec< 3, double > & | translation, | ||
bool | draft = false |
) |
Construct Block with the same dimenstion as bounding box of to_change
material | material of the constructed Block |
to_change | geometry object |
translation[out] | set to position (lower corner) of to_change bounding box |
draft | should draft graded material be created? |
void plask::checkCompositionSimilarity | ( | const Material::Composition & | material1composition, |
const Material::Composition & | material2composition | ||
) |
Calculate tensor conjugate.
v | a tensor |
Definition at line 276 of file tensor2.hpp.
Calculate tensor conjugate.
v | a tensor |
Definition at line 463 of file tensor3.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 156 of file spatial_index.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 163 of file spatial_index.cpp.
inline |
Compute (analog of 3d) cross product of two vectors v1
and v2
v1,v2 | vectors |
Definition at line 352 of file lateral.hpp.
std::string plask::dbKey | ( | const Material::Parameters & | parameters | ) |
Check if x
is greater than y
It differs from standard > operator in case of comparing NaN-s: NaN is greater than all other numbers. It is fine to use this to sort doubles or store doubles in standard containers (which is not true in case of standard > operator).
x,y | numbers to compare |
only if x
is greater than y
Check if x
is less than y
It differs from standard < operator in case of comparing NaN-s: NaN is greater than all other numbers. It is fine to use this to sort doubles or store doubles in standard containers (which is not true in case of standard < operator).
x,y | numbers to compare |
only if x
is less than y
inline |
Definition at line 220 of file iterators.hpp.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 850 of file primitives.hpp.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 854 of file primitives.hpp.
inline |
Compute dot product of two vectors v1
and v2
v1 | first vector |
v2 | second vector |
Definition at line 342 of file lateral.hpp.
Get group in periodic table of given object
objectName | name of object |
or 0 if given object is not known Definition at line 29 of file material.cpp.
PLASK_API std::string plask::exePath | ( | ) |
Get path to current program executable file.
Definition at line 65 of file system.cpp.
PLASK_API std::string plask::exePathAndName | ( | ) |
Retrieves the fully qualified path for current program executable file.
Definition at line 35 of file system.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 38 of file material.cpp.
Calculate copy of string str
without some characters.
str | string to filter |
pred | predictad which return true for chars which should stay, and false for char which should be removed |
Pred | functor which take one argument (char) and return bool |
Definition at line 97 of file string.hpp.
Find position in ascending ordered, radnom access, sequence [begin, end) of floats or doubles nearest to to_find
begin,end | ordered, radnom access, sequence [begin, end), can't be empty |
to_find | value to which nearest one should be found |
inline |
Find position in ascending ordered, radnom access, sequence [begin, end) of floats or doubles nearest to to_find
begin,end | ordered, radnom access, sequence [begin, end), can't be empty |
to_find | value to which nearest one should be found |
lower_bound | must be equal to std::lower_bound(begin, end, to_find) |
inline |
Wrapper over std::fma witch works for all types.
For float, double and long double it calls std::fma, and for rest it just calculates to_mult_1 * to_mult_2 + to_sum.
to_mult_1,to_mult_2,to_sum |
inline |
Definition at line 23 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
Definition at line 302 of file material.cpp.
inline |
Helper utility that replaces INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT with particular method.
Definition at line 120 of file interpolation.hpp.
Definition at line 294 of file material.cpp.
Copy ptr data if is not the only shared_ptr instance managing the current object, i.e.
whether ptr.unique() is false
(ptr.use_count() != 1).
ptr | shared pointer |
(ptr.use_count() == 1) or shared_ptr with copy of object managing by ptr if ptr.unique() is false
T | type of object managing by ptr, must have copy constructor |
Definition at line 184 of file memory.hpp.
Copy ptr data if is not the only shared_ptr instance managing the current object, i.e.
whether ptr.unique() is false
(ptr.use_count() != 1).
ptr | shared pointer |
(ptr.use_count() == 1) or shared_ptr with copy of object managing by ptr if ptr.unique() is false
T | type of object managing by ptr, must have copy constructor |
Definition at line 173 of file memory.hpp.
PLASK_API std::uint64_t plask::getUniqueNumber | ( | ) |
PLASK_API std::string plask::getUniqueString | ( | ) |
Get unique string.
This function is threads-safe.
void plask::inPlaceSplit | ( | std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > & | inputAndLo, |
std::vector< GeometryObjectBBox< DIMS > > & | hi, | ||
int | dir, | ||
double | offset | ||
) |
Definition at line 172 of file spatial_index.cpp.
LazyData< typename std::remove_const< DstT >::type > plask::interpolate | ( | shared_ptr< const SrcMeshT > | src_mesh, |
DataVector< const SrcT > | src_vec, | ||
shared_ptr< const MeshD< SrcMeshT::DIM > > | dst_mesh, | ||
InterpolationMethod | method = INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT , |
const InterpolationFlags & | flags = InterpolationFlags() , |
bool | verbose = true |
) |
Calculate (interpolate when needed) a field of some physical properties in requested points of (dst_mesh) if values of this field in points of (src_mesh) are known.
src_mesh | set of points in which fields values are known |
src_vec | the vector of known field values in points described by sec_mesh |
dst_mesh | requested set of points, in which the field values should be calculated (interpolated) |
method | interpolation method to use |
verbose | if true, the log message is written |
NotImplemented | if given interpolation method is not implemented for used source mesh type |
CriticalException | if given interpolation method is not valid |
Definition at line 366 of file interpolation.hpp.
LazyData< typename std::remove_const< DstT >::type > plask::interpolate | ( | shared_ptr< SrcMeshT > | src_mesh, |
DataVector< SrcT > | src_vec, | ||
shared_ptr< DstMeshT > | dst_mesh, | ||
InterpolationMethod | method = INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT , |
const InterpolationFlags & | flags = InterpolationFlags() , |
bool | verbose = true |
) |
Definition at line 382 of file interpolation.hpp.
Check if the tensor is almost zero.
v | tensor to verify |
Definition at line 290 of file tensor2.hpp.
Check if the tensor is almost zero.
v | tensor to verify |
Definition at line 480 of file tensor3.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 121 of file reader.cpp.
Check if potential_id
is valid C/C++/python name.
potential_id |
only if potential_id
is valid C/C++/python name Definition at line 60 of file string.cpp.
Definition at line 58 of file string.cpp.
Definition at line 56 of file string.cpp.
Definition at line 48 of file string.cpp.
Definition at line 52 of file string.cpp.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 490 of file tensor3.hpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< RectangularMesh2D > plask::make_rectangular_mesh | ( | const RectangularMesh2D & | to_copy | ) |
Copy to_copy
mesh using OrderedAxis to represent each axis in returned mesh.
to_copy | mesh to copy |
Definition at line 224 of file rectangular2d.cpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< RectangularMesh3D > plask::make_rectangular_mesh | ( | const RectangularMesh3D & | to_copy | ) |
Copy to_copy
mesh using OrderedAxis to represent each axis in returned mesh.
to_copy | mesh to copy |
Definition at line 40 of file rectangular3d.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1090 of file rectangular2d.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 250 of file rectangular3d.hpp.
inline |
Helper to create empty boundary.
MeshType | type of mesh for which boundary should be returned |
Definition at line 893 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Get FunctorIndexedIterator for given functor.
f | functor |
index | initial iterator position |
Definition at line 443 of file iterators.hpp.
template PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > plask::makeGeometryAxis | ( | const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 2 > > & | geometry, |
Primitive< 3 >::Direction | dir, | ||
double | split | ||
) |
template PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > plask::makeGeometryAxis | ( | const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 3 > > & | geometry, |
Primitive< 3 >::Direction | dir, | ||
double | split | ||
) |
PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > plask::makeGeometryAxis | ( | const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< dim > > & | geometry, |
Primitive< 3 >::Direction | dir, | ||
double | split = 0. |
) |
Get axis with points along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements.
geometry | given geometry object |
dir | direction along which the points should be added |
split | if not 0 split points at boundaries into two separated by split |
Definition at line 22 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
inline |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements.
geometry | given geometry |
Definition at line 72 of file generator_rectangular.hpp.
inline |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements.
geometry | given geometry |
Definition at line 81 of file generator_rectangular.hpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< RectangularMesh< 2 > > plask::makeGeometryGrid | ( | const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 2 > > & | geometry, |
double | split = 0. |
) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements.
geometry | given geometry object |
split | if not 0 split points at boundaries into two separated by split |
Definition at line 52 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< RectangularMesh< 3 > > plask::makeGeometryGrid | ( | const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 3 > > & | geometry, |
double | split = 0. |
) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements.
geometry | given geometry object |
split | if not 0 split points at boundaries into two separated by split |
Definition at line 73 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
inline |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements.
geometry | given geometry |
Definition at line 63 of file generator_rectangular.hpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > plask::makeGeometryGrid1D | ( | const shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< 2 > > & | geometry, |
double | split = 0. |
) |
Generate grid along edges of bounding boxes of all geometry elements.
geometry | given geometry object |
split | if not 0 split points at boundaries into two separated by split |
Definition at line 42 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
inline |
Get IndexedIterator for given container.
c | container |
index | initial iterator position |
Definition at line 313 of file iterators.hpp.
inline |
Helper to create boundary which represents set of indexes which fulfill given predicate
Use: makePredicateBoundary<MeshType::Boundary>(predicate);
predicate | functor which check if given point is in boundary |
Boundary | type of boundary which should be returned |
Predicate | predicate which check if given point is in boundary, predicate has the following arguments:
Definition at line 910 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 139 of file triangular2d.cpp.
Copy ptr data if is not the only shared_ptr instance managing the current object, i.e.
whether ptr.unique() is false
(ptr.use_count() != 1).
ptr | shared pointer which will be changed to shared_ptr with copy of object managing by ptr if ptr.unique() is false |
T | type of object managing by ptr, must have copy constructor |
Definition at line 194 of file memory.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 337 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 336 of file lazydata.hpp.
Check if two data vectors are not equal.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if a is not equal to b Definition at line 335 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 783 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 742 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Return boundary which produces the intersection of sets given by left and right boundaries.
left,right | boundaries |
Definition at line 779 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Return intersection of left and right sets of nodes.
left,right | sets of nodes |
Definition at line 739 of file boundary.hpp.
auto plask::operator* | ( | const OtherT | scale, |
const Tensor2< T > & | tensor | ||
) | -> decltype(tensor * scale) |
Calculate this tensor multiplied by scalar scale
scale | scalar |
tensor | tensor |
Definition at line 267 of file tensor2.hpp.
auto plask::operator* | ( | const OtherT | scale, |
const Tensor3< T > & | tensor | ||
) | -> decltype(tensor * scale) |
Calculate this tensor multiplied by scalar scale
scale | scalar |
tensor | tensor |
Definition at line 454 of file tensor3.hpp.
inline |
inline |
LazyData< typename ScaledLazyDataImpl< T, S >::CellType > plask::operator* | ( | const S & | scale, |
LazyData< T > | data | ||
) |
Compute factor of vec
and a
vec | vector to multiply |
a | multiply factor |
* a
Definition at line 300 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
LazyData< typename ScaledLazyDataImpl< T, S >::CellType > plask::operator* | ( | LazyData< T > | data, |
const S & | scale | ||
) |
Compute factor of data
and a
data | vector to multiply |
a | multiply factor |
* a
Definition at line 289 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
inline |
Return boundary which produces the union of sets given by left and right boundaries.
left,right | boundaries |
Definition at line 763 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Return union of left and right sets of nodes.
left,right | sets of nodes |
Definition at line 725 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Return boundary which produces the difference of sets given by left and right boundaries.
left,right | boundaries |
Definition at line 794 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Return difference of left and right sets of nodes.
left,right | sets of nodes |
Definition at line 752 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 347 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 350 of file lazydata.hpp.
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if a
is smaller than the b
Definition at line 344 of file lazydata.hpp.
std::ostream & plask::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
LazyData< T > const & | to_print | ||
) |
Print lazy data vector to stream.
out | output, destination stream |
to_print | lazy data vector to print |
Definition at line 387 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 368 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 369 of file lazydata.hpp.
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if a
is smaller or equal to b
Definition at line 367 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Check if two vectors are equal.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if a is equal to b (a[0]==b[0], a[1]==b[1], ...) Definition at line 328 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Check if two vectors are equal.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if a is equal to b (a[0]==b[0], a[1]==b[1], ...) Definition at line 319 of file lazydata.hpp.
Check if two lazy data vectors are equal.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if a is equal to b (a[0]==b[0], a[1]==b[1], ...) Definition at line 310 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 359 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 360 of file lazydata.hpp.
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if b
is smaller than the a
Definition at line 358 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 377 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 378 of file lazydata.hpp.
A lexical comparison of two (lazy) data vectors.
a,b | vectors to compare |
only if b
is smaller or equal to a
Definition at line 376 of file lazydata.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 767 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 728 of file boundary.hpp.
std::complex< T > plask::parse_complex | ( | std::string | str_to_parse | ) |
Parse complex number in format: R+Ij, R, Ij, or (R, I), where R and I are floating point numbers (last is standard C++ format).
str_to_parse | string to parse |
IllFormatedComplex | when str_to_parse is in bad format |
template PLASK_API std::complex< double > plask::parse_complex< double > | ( | std::string | str_to_parse | ) |
inline |
Parse boundary of given type from string.
Specialization of this function:
are responsible to parse boundary of type BoundaryType
from string.
boundary_desc | boundary description, depends on type of boundary (which generally depends on mesh type) |
manager | geometry manager |
Definition at line 932 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Parse boundary from XML reader.
It starts from tag which beginning is pointed by reader and (in case of successful parse) move reader to end of this tag.
For given boundary type (Boundary) specialization of this function:
are responsible to parse boundary from XML for this boundary type (which generally depends on mesh type).
boundary_desc | boundary description, depends on type of mesh |
manager | geometry manager |
Definition at line 950 of file boundary.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 641 of file rectangular_common.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 644 of file rectangular_common.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1230 of file rectangular_common.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1233 of file rectangular_common.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 712 of file triangular2d.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 715 of file triangular2d.hpp.
inline |
Parse condition from XML tag.
Default implementation just read it from "value" attribute which use boost::lexical_cast to convert it to given type ConditionT
. Specializations for chosen types can require other attributes.
tag_with_value | XML tag to parse |
ConditionT | type of condition to parse |
Definition at line 662 of file manager.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 50 of file common.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 55 of file common.hpp.
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< double, double > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< double, double > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< double, double > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > | ) |
plask::PLASK_API_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_STRUCT | ( | NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > | ) |
PLASK_API std::string plask::plaskLibPath | ( | ) |
Get path to plask library files (shared libraries).
This directory contains subdirectories: solvers (see plaskSolversPath), materials (see plaskMaterialsPath).
Definition at line 79 of file system.cpp.
PLASK_API std::string plask::plaskMaterialsPath | ( | ) |
Get path to materials files (shared libraries).
Definition at line 98 of file system.cpp.
Get path to files (shared libraries) with solvers in given category
category | name of solvers category |
Definition at line 89 of file system.cpp.
PLASK_API std::string plask::prefixPath | ( | ) |
Get environment variable PLASK_PREFIX_PATH (should be without rearmost '/' or '\') or, if it is not set, path one step above the current program executable file.
Definition at line 69 of file system.cpp.
PLASK_API void plask::prepareInterpolationForAxis | ( | const MeshAxis & | axis, |
const InterpolationFlags & | flags, | ||
double | wrapped_point_coord, | ||
int | axis_nr, | ||
std::size_t & | index_lo, | ||
std::size_t & | index_hi, | ||
double & | lo, | ||
double & | hi, | ||
bool & | invert_lo, | ||
bool & | invert_hi | ||
) |
TODO doc - this is code by M.
Dems copied from interpolation methods of rectngular meshes
This function is used by linear and spline interpolations of rectangular meshes.
[in] | axis | |
[in] | flags | |
[in] | wrapped_point_coord | |
[in] | axis_nr | |
[out] | index_lo | |
[out] | index_hi | |
[out] | lo | |
[out] | hi | |
[out] | invert_lo | |
[out] | invert_hi |
Definition at line 99 of file axis1d.cpp.
PLASK_API void plask::prepareNearestNeighborInterpolationForAxis | ( | const MeshAxis & | axis, |
const InterpolationFlags & | flags, | ||
double & | wrapped_point_coord, | ||
int | axis_nr | ||
) |
TODO doc - this is code by M.
Dems copied from interpolation methods of rectngular meshes
[in] | axis | |
[in] | flags | |
[in,out] | wrapped_point_coord | |
[in] | axis_nr |
Definition at line 89 of file axis1d.cpp.
std::ostream & plask::print_seq | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Iter | begin, | ||
Iter | end, | ||
const char * | sep = ", " |
) |
Print all values from sequence [begin, end) sepparating by sep
out | print destination |
begin,end | sequence to print |
sep |
Definition at line 73 of file string.hpp.
std::ostream & plask::printRange | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
ForwadIterator | begin, | ||
ForwadIterator | end, | ||
const char * | separator = ", " |
) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_arrange2d | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 247 of file lattice.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_arrange3d | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 258 of file lattice.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_block2D | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_cartesianExtend | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 126 of file transform_space_cartesian.cpp.
inline |
Read children, call child_param_read if children is in <item> tag and without_child_param_read if there was no <item> tag.
Read "path" parameter from each <item> tag.
reader | reader |
child_param_read | functor called for each <item> tag, without parameters, should create child, add it to container and return PathHints::Hint (and move reader.source to end of current, <item>, tag) |
without_child_param_read | functor called for each children (when there was no <item> tag), should create child, add it to container, and move reader.source to end of current tag |
Definition at line 333 of file container.hpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_circle | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 161 of file circle.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_Clip2D | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_Clip3D | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_cuboid | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 128 of file cuboid.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_cylinder | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 129 of file cylinder.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_ellipse | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 118 of file ellipse.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_elliptic_cylinder | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 186 of file elliptic_cylinder.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_flip_like | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 253 of file mirror.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_hollow_cylinder | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 309 of file cylinder.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_Intersection | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 138 of file intersection.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_lattice | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 503 of file lattice.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_prism | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_revolution | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 163 of file transform_space_cylindric.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_translation2D | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 154 of file transform.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_translation3D | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 161 of file transform.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_TranslationContainer | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 131 of file translation_container.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_triangle | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 164 of file triangle.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::read_triangular_prism | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Read 1d mesh axis from XML.
reader |
Definition at line 19 of file rectangular_common.cpp.
shared_ptr< OrderedMesh1D > plask::readOrderedMesh1D | ( | XMLReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 184 of file ordered1d.cpp.
shared_ptr< OrderedMesh1D > plask::readOrderedMesh1D_obsolete | ( | XMLReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 196 of file ordered1d.cpp.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > plask::readPolygon | ( | GeometryReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 161 of file polygon.cpp.
shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > plask::readRectangularDivideGenerator | ( | XMLReader & | reader, |
Manager & | manager | ||
) |
Definition at line 555 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > plask::readRectangularSmoothGenerator | ( | XMLReader & | reader, |
Manager & | manager | ||
) |
Definition at line 615 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
shared_ptr< OrderedMesh1D > plask::readRectilinearMeshAxis | ( | XMLReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 162 of file ordered1d.cpp.
shared_ptr< RegularMesh1D > plask::readRegularMesh1D | ( | XMLReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 80 of file regular1d.cpp.
shared_ptr< RegularMesh1D > plask::readRegularMesh1D_obsolete | ( | XMLReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 90 of file regular1d.cpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< RegularMesh1D > plask::readRegularMeshAxis | ( | XMLReader & | reader | ) |
Definition at line 72 of file regular1d.cpp.
shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > plask::readTriangleGenerator | ( | XMLReader & | reader, |
const Manager & | |||
) |
Definition at line 159 of file generator_triangular.cpp.
std::size_t plask::readTriangularMesh2D_readNodeIndex | ( | XMLReader & | reader, |
const char * | attrName, | ||
std::size_t | nodes_size | ||
) |
Definition at line 479 of file triangular2d.cpp.
PLASK_API shared_ptr< OrderedAxis > plask::refineAxis | ( | const shared_ptr< MeshAxis > & | axis, |
double | spacing | ||
) |
Divide existing axis into finer mesh with points approximately spaced by spacing
spacing | approximate distance between mesh points |
Definition at line 89 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
ReindexedContainer< ContainerType > plask::reindexContainer | ( | ContainerType & | originalContainer, |
int | firstIndex = 0 , |
int | delta = 1 |
) |
Helper function to create ReindexedContainer instantiation objects.
originalContainer,firstIndex,delta | ReindexedContainer constructor parameters |
ContainerType | type of original container |
Definition at line 483 of file iterators.hpp.
PLASK_API std::string plask::removedChars | ( | const std::string & | str, |
const std::string & | chars_to_remove | ||
) |
str | string to filter |
chars_to_remove | set of characters to remove |
Definition at line 34 of file string.cpp.
std::string plask::replaceChars | ( | const std::string & | str, |
CharReplacer | repl | ||
) |
Calculate copy of string str
with some characters replaced by other.
str | string |
repl | functor which return new character or string for each input character |
CharReplacer | functor which take one argument (char) and return char or string |
Definition at line 111 of file string.hpp.
inline |
Make LazyData removing NaN from another lazy data.
src | source lazy data or vector |
sane_value | sane value that is returned instead of NaN |
Definition at line 437 of file lazydata.hpp.
SequenceSequenceT plask::splitAndTrimPred | ( | RangeT & | input, |
PredicateT | pred, | ||
boost::algorithm::token_compress_mode_type | eCompress = boost::algorithm::token_compress_off |
) |
Split input
to sequence of tokens.
White spaces on beginning and ending of each token are removed.
input | input string |
pred | a predicate to identify separators, this predicate is supposed to return true only if a given object is a separator |
eCompress | if it is set to boost::algorithm::token_compress_on, adjacent separators are merged together, otherwise, every two separators delimit a token. |
Definition at line 133 of file string.hpp.
PLASK_API std::vector< std::string > plask::splitEsc | ( | const std::string & | str, |
char | splitter, | ||
char | quote_char = '\'' , |
char | esc_char = '\\' |
) |
Split str
to sequence of tokens.
White spaces on beginning and ending of each token are removed.
str | input string |
splitter | character which separate tokents, typically ',' or ';' |
quote_char | the character to use for the quote also allow to insert separate character in token |
esc_char | escape character which allow to insert separate character in token |
Definition at line 42 of file string.cpp.
PLASK_API split_esc_tokenizer plask::splitEscIterator | ( | const std::string & | str, |
char | splitter, | ||
char | quote_char = '\'' , |
char | esc_char = '\\' |
) |
Split str
to sequence of tokens.
White spaces on beginning and ending of each token are removed.
str | input string |
splitter | character which separate tokents, typically ',' or ';' |
quote_char | the character to use for the quote, allow to insert separate character in token (if token is quoted) |
esc_char | escape character which allow to insert separate character in token, typically '\' |
Definition at line 38 of file string.cpp.
PLASK_API std::pair< std::string, std::string > plask::splitString2 | ( | const std::string & | to_split, |
char | splitter | ||
) |
Split string to two parts: before spliter and after spliter.
If spliter is not included in string return pair: to_split and empty string.
to_split | string to split |
splitter | splitter character |
Definition at line 27 of file string.cpp.
Convert double number to pretty string.
x | value to convert |
fmt | format to use |
Definition at line 46 of file format.hpp.
inline |
Convert complex number to pretty string.
x | value to convert |
fmt | format to use |
rfmt | format used if Im(x) == 0 |
Definition at line 56 of file format.hpp.
inline |
Convert something to pretty string.
x | value to convert |
Definition at line 37 of file format.hpp.
Definition at line 31 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
Definition at line 27 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
Definition at line 310 of file material.cpp.
inline |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > plask::TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::ALL > | ( | const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts & | segmentsCount | ) | const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > plask::TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::BOTTOM > | ( | const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts & | segmentsCount | ) | const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > plask::TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::LEFT > | ( | const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts & | segmentsCount | ) | const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > plask::TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::RIGHT > | ( | const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts & | segmentsCount | ) | const |
template PLASK_API std::set< std::size_t > plask::TriangularMesh2D::boundaryNodes< TriangularMesh2D::BoundaryDir::TOP > | ( | const TriangularMesh2D::SegmentsCounts & | segmentsCount | ) | const |
std::string plask::type_name | ( | ) |
Get simplified type name of given type.
Definition at line 172 of file string.hpp.
constexpr |
Definition at line 273 of file lattice.cpp.
Definition at line 274 of file lattice.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 503 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
Definition at line 502 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 509 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 508 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 511 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 510 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 505 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 504 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 507 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 506 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 603 of file triangular2d.cpp.
Definition at line 602 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 609 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 608 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 611 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 610 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 605 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 604 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 607 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::BarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 606 of file triangular2d.cpp.
Definition at line 170 of file circle.cpp.
Definition at line 171 of file circle.cpp.
Definition at line 169 of file primitives.cpp.
Definition at line 29 of file system.hpp.
Definition at line 266 of file mirror.cpp.
Definition at line 267 of file mirror.cpp.
Definition at line 292 of file container.cpp.
Definition at line 293 of file container.cpp.
Definition at line 252 of file object.cpp.
Definition at line 253 of file object.cpp.
Definition at line 102 of file separator.cpp.
Definition at line 103 of file separator.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 597 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 628 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 596 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< double, double, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< double, double > > |
Definition at line 627 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 606 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 637 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 605 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > > |
Definition at line 636 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 609 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 640 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 608 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > > |
Definition at line 639 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 600 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 631 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 599 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > > |
Definition at line 630 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 603 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 634 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 602 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double >, SplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > > |
Definition at line 633 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 612 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 643 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 611 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< double, double, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< double, double > > |
Definition at line 642 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 621 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 652 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 620 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > > |
Definition at line 651 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 624 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 655 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 623 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > > |
Definition at line 654 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 615 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 646 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 614 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > > |
Definition at line 645 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 618 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > > |
Definition at line 649 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 617 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double >, SplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > > |
Definition at line 648 of file rectangular_masked_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 409 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 408 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 418 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 417 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 421 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 420 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 412 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 411 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 415 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 414 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 424 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 423 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 433 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 432 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 436 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 435 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 427 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 426 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 430 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::HymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 429 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 18 of file interpolation.cpp.
Definition at line 159 of file intersection.cpp.
Definition at line 160 of file intersection.cpp.
Definition at line 18 of file lateral.cpp.
Definition at line 19 of file lateral.cpp.
extern |
Global Python lock.
Definition at line 269 of file mirror.cpp.
Definition at line 270 of file mirror.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 551 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< double, double > |
Definition at line 550 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 557 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 556 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 559 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 558 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 553 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 552 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 555 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 554 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 638 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< double, double > |
Definition at line 637 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 644 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 643 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 646 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 645 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 640 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 639 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 642 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 641 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 436 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< double, double > |
Definition at line 435 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 442 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 441 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 444 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 443 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 438 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 437 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 440 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 439 of file extruded_triangular3d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 565 of file triangular2d.cpp.
Definition at line 564 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 571 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 570 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 573 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 572 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 567 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 566 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 569 of file triangular2d.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::NearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 568 of file triangular2d.cpp.
Definition at line 26 of file primitives.hpp.
Definition at line 605 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 606 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 607 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 464 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 465 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 466 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 666 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 667 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
Definition at line 668 of file generator_rectangular.cpp.
RegisterMeshReader plask::rectilinearmesh1d_reader("rectilinear1d", readOrderedMesh1D_obsolete) | ( | "rectilinear1d" | , |
readOrderedMesh1D_obsolete | |||
) |
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<BandEdges> plask::registerBandEdgesFilters |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-electrical-bandedges.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<CarriersConcentration> plask::registerCarriersConcentrationFilters |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-electrical-carriersconcentration.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<Conductivity> plask::registerConductivityFilters |
Definition at line 21 of file filters-electrical.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<CurrentDensity> plask::registerCurrentDensityFilters |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-electrical-currentdensity.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<Voltage> plask::registerEnergyFilters |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-electrical-voltage.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<Epsilon> plask::registerEpsilonFilters |
Definition at line 24 of file filters-optical.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<FermiLevels> plask::registerFermiLevels |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-electrical-quasifermilevels.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<Gain> plask::registerGainFilters |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-gain.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<Heat> plask::registerHeatFilters |
Definition at line 23 of file filters-thermal.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<Potential> plask::registerPotentialFilters |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-electrical-potential.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<RefractiveIndex> plask::registerRefractiveIndexFilters |
Definition at line 23 of file filters-optical.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<Temperature> plask::registerTemperatureFilters |
Definition at line 20 of file filters-thermal.cpp.
FiltersFactory::RegisterStandard<ThermalConductivity> plask::registerThermalConductivityFilters |
Definition at line 24 of file filters-thermal.cpp.
RegisterMeshReader plask::regularmesh1d_reader("regular1d", readRegularMesh1D_obsolete) | ( | "regular1d" | , |
readRegularMesh1D_obsolete | |||
) |
RegisterMeshReader plask::regularmesh_reader("regular", readRegularMesh1D) | ( | "regular" | , |
readRegularMesh1D | |||
) |
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 660 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 659 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 669 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 668 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 672 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 671 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 663 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 662 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 666 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 665 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< dcomplex, dcomplex > |
Definition at line 676 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 675 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< dcomplex >, Tensor2< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 685 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor2< double >, Tensor2< double > > |
Definition at line 684 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< dcomplex >, Tensor3< dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 688 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Tensor3< double >, Tensor3< double > > |
Definition at line 687 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, dcomplex >, Vec< 2, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 679 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 2, double >, Vec< 2, double > > |
Definition at line 678 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, dcomplex >, Vec< 3, dcomplex > > |
Definition at line 682 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
template struct PLASK_API plask::SmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl< Vec< 3, double >, Vec< 3, double > > |
Definition at line 681 of file rectangular_spline.cpp.
Definition at line 274 of file spatial_index.cpp.
Definition at line 275 of file spatial_index.cpp.
Definition at line 172 of file transform.cpp.
Definition at line 173 of file transform.cpp.
Definition at line 168 of file translation_container.cpp.
Definition at line 169 of file translation_container.cpp.