std::string | getTypeName () const override |
| Get name of object type (like: "block2d", "shelf", "stack3d", etc.).
| Prism ()=default |
| Construct an empty prism.
| Prism (double height, const std::vector< LateralVec< double > > &vertices, const shared_ptr< Material > &material=shared_ptr< Material >()) |
| Construct a prism with vertices at specified points.
| Prism (double height, std::vector< LateralVec< double > > &&vertices, const shared_ptr< Material > &&material=shared_ptr< Material >()) |
| Construct a prism with vertices at specified points.
| Prism (double height, std::initializer_list< LateralVec< double > > vertices, const shared_ptr< Material > &material=shared_ptr< Material >()) |
| Construct a prism with vertices at specified points.
| Prism (double height, const std::vector< LateralVec< double > > &vertices, shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > materialTopBottom) |
| Construct a prism with vertices at specified points.
| Prism (double height, std::vector< LateralVec< double > > &&vertices, shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > materialTopBottom) |
| Construct a prism with vertices at specified points.
| Prism (double height, std::initializer_list< LateralVec< double > > vertices, shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > materialTopBottom) |
| Construct a prism with vertices at specified points.
| Prism (const Prism &src) |
| Copy-constructor.
double | getHeight () const |
| Get the prism height.
void | setHeight (double height) |
| Set the prism height.
const std::vector< LateralVec< double > > & | getVertices () const |
| Get the prism vertices.
std::vector< LateralVec< double > > & | getVertices () |
| Get the prism vertices.
void | setVertices (const std::vector< LateralVec< double > > &vertices) |
| Set the prism vertices.
void | setVertices (std::vector< LateralVec< double > > &&vertices) |
| Set the prism vertices.
void | setVertex (unsigned index, const LateralVec< double > &vertex) |
| Set one prism vertex.
void | insertVertex (unsigned index, const LateralVec< double > &vertex) |
| Insert a new vertex to the prism.
void | addVertex (const LateralVec< double > &vertex) |
| Add a new vertex to the prism.
void | removeVertex (unsigned index) |
| Remove a vertex from the prism.
void | clearVertices () |
| Clear all vertices from the prism.
unsigned | getVertexCount () const |
| Get the number of vertices in the prism.
const LateralVec< double > & | getVertex (unsigned index) const |
| Get the vertex at specified index.
void | validate () const override |
| Check if object is ready for calculation.
Box | getBoundingBox () const override |
| Calculate minimal rectangle which contains all points of geometry object.
bool | contains (const DVec &p) const override |
| Check if this geometry object contains point.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | shallowCopy () const override |
| Get shallow copy of this.
void | addPointsAlongToSet (std::set< double > &points, Primitive< 3 >::Direction direction, unsigned max_steps, double min_step_size) const override |
void | addLineSegmentsToSet (std::set< typename GeometryObjectD< 3 >::LineSegment > &segments, unsigned max_steps, double min_step_size) const override |
void | writeXMLAttr (XMLWriter::Element &dest_xml_object, const AxisNames &axes) const override |
| Append XML attributes of this to dest_xml_object .
GeometryReader & | readMaterial (GeometryReader &src) |
| GeometryObjectLeaf () |
| Construct leaf with uninitialized material (all material getting methods returns nullptr).
| GeometryObjectLeaf (const GeometryObjectLeaf< dim > &src) |
| Copy-constructor.
| GeometryObjectLeaf (shared_ptr< Material > material) |
| Construct leaf which uses solid material.
| GeometryObjectLeaf (shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > materialTopBottom) |
| Construct leaf which uses linearly changeble material.
shared_ptr< Material > | getRepresentativeMaterial () const |
| Get representative material of this leaf (typically material which is returned in center of object).
shared_ptr< Material > | singleMaterial () const |
| Get material only if it this leaf is solid (has assign exactly one material).
void | setMaterial (shared_ptr< Material > new_material) |
| Set new, solid on all surface, material.
void | setMaterialFast (shared_ptr< Material > new_material) |
| Set new, solid on all surface, material.
void | setMaterialTopBottomCompositionFast (shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > materialTopBottom) |
| Set new graded material.
void | setMaterialTopBottomComposition (shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > materialTopBottom) |
| Set new material material.
void | setMaterialDraftTopBottomCompositionFast (shared_ptr< MaterialsDB::MixedCompositionFactory > materialTopBottom) |
| Set new draft graded material.
void | setMaterialProviderFast (MaterialProvider *provider) |
| Set new custom material provider.
void | setMaterialProvider (MaterialProvider *provider) |
| Set new custom material provider.
const MaterialProvider * | getMaterialProvider () const |
| Return pointer to the material provider.
GeometryObject::Type | getType () const override |
| Check if geometry is: leaf, transform or container type object.
shared_ptr< Material > | getMaterial (const DVec &p) const override |
| Return material in a given point inside the geometry object.
void | getBoundingBoxesToVec (const GeometryObject::Predicate &predicate, std::vector< Box > &dest, const PathHints *path=0) const override |
| Calculate and append to vector bounding boxes of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , optionally marked by path.
void | getObjectsToVec (const GeometryObject::Predicate &predicate, std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > &dest, const PathHints *path=0) const override |
| Append all objects from subtree with this in root, which fulfill predicate to vector dest .
void | getPositionsToVec (const GeometryObject::Predicate &predicate, std::vector< DVec > &dest, const PathHints *=0) const override |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , optionally marked by path.
bool | hasInSubtree (const GeometryObject &el) const override |
| Check if el is in subtree with this in root.
GeometryObject::Subtree | getPathsTo (const GeometryObject &el, const PathHints *path=0) const override |
| Find paths to el.
GeometryObject::Subtree | getPathsAt (const DVec &point, bool=false) const override |
| Find all paths to objects which lies at given point .
std::size_t | getChildrenCount () const override |
| Get number of all children of this in geometry graph.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | getChildNo (std::size_t child_no) const override |
| Get child with given index.
shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > | changedVersion (const GeometryObject::Changer &changer, Vec< 3, double > *translation=0) const override |
| Get this or copy of this with some changes in subtree.
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | deepCopy (std::map< const GeometryObject *, shared_ptr< GeometryObject > > &copied) const override |
| Get deep copy of this.
int | getDimensionsCount () const override |
| Get number of dimensions.
virtual DVec | getBoundingBoxSize () const |
virtual Box | getRealBoundingBox () const |
| Calculate minimal rectangle which contains all points of real geometry object.
shared_ptr< Material > | getMaterialOrAir (const DVec &p) const |
| Return material in a given point inside the geometry object.
void | getBoundingBoxesToVec (const GeometryObject::Predicate &predicate, std::vector< Box > &dest, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and append to vector bounding boxes of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , marked by path.
std::vector< Box > | getBoundingBoxes (const GeometryObject::Predicate &predicate, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate the vector of bounding boxes of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , optionally marked by path.
std::vector< Box > | getBoundingBoxes (const GeometryObject::Predicate &predicate, const PathHints &path) |
| Calculate the vector of bounding boxes of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , marked by path.
void | getLeafsBoundingBoxesToVec (std::vector< Box > &dest, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate and append to vector bounding boxes of all leafs, optionally marked by path.
void | getLeafsBoundingBoxesToVec (std::vector< Box > &dest, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and append to vector bounding boxes of all leafs, marked by path.
std::vector< Box > | getLeafsBoundingBoxes (const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate bounding boxes of all leafs, optionally marked by path.
std::vector< Box > | getLeafsBoundingBoxes (const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate bounding boxes of all leafs, marked by path.
void | getObjectBoundingBoxesToVec (std::vector< Box > &dest, const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate and append to vector bounding boxes of all instances of given object , optionally marked by path.
void | getObjectBoundingBoxesToVec (std::vector< Box > &dest, const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and append to vector bounding boxes of all instances of given object , marked by path.
std::vector< Box > | getObjectBoundingBoxes (const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate bounding boxes of all instances of given object , optionally marked by path.
std::vector< Box > | getObjectBoundingBoxes (const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate bounding boxes of all instances of given objects , marked by path .
void | getPositionsToVec (const Predicate &predicate, std::vector< DVec > &dest, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , marked by path.
std::vector< DVec > | getPositions (const Predicate &predicate, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , optionally marked by path.
std::vector< DVec > | getPositions (const Predicate &predicate, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all nodes which fulfill given predicate , marked by path.
void | getLeafsPositionsToVec (std::vector< DVec > &dest, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all leafs, optionally marked by path.
void | getLeafsPositionsToVec (std::vector< DVec > &dest, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all leafs, marked by path.
std::vector< DVec > | getLeafsPositions (const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate and return a vector of positions of all leafs, optionally marked by path.
std::vector< DVec > | getLeafsPositions (const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and return a vector of positions of all leafs, marked by path.
void | getObjectPositionsToVec (std::vector< DVec > &dest, const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all instances of given object , optionally marked by path.
void | getObjectPositionsToVec (std::vector< DVec > &dest, const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and append to vector positions of all instances of given object , marked by path.
std::vector< DVec > | getObjectPositions (const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Calculate and return a vector of positions of all instances of given object , optionally marked by path.
std::vector< DVec > | getObjectPositions (const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints &path) const |
| Calculate and return a vector of positions of all instances of given object , marked by path.
shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > | getMatchingAt (const DVec &point, const Predicate &predicate, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Get object closest to the root, which contains specific point and fulfills the predicate.
shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > | getMatchingAt (const DVec &point, const Predicate &predicate, const PathHints &path) const |
| Get object closest to the root, which contains specific point and fulfills the predicate.
bool | objectIncludes (const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints *path, const DVec &point) const |
| Check if specified geometry object contains a point point.
bool | objectIncludes (const GeometryObject &object, const PathHints &path, const DVec &point) const |
| Check if specified geometry object contains a point point.
bool | objectIncludes (const GeometryObject &object, const DVec &point) const |
| Check if specified geometry object contains a point point.
std::set< std::string > | getRolesAt (const DVec &point, const plask::PathHints *path=0) const |
| Get a sum of roles sets of all objects which lies on path from this to leaf at given point .
std::set< std::string > | getRolesAt (const DVec &point, const plask::PathHints &path) const |
| Get a sum of roles sets of all objects which lies on path from this to leaf at given point .
shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > | hasRoleAt (const std::string &role_name, const DVec &point, const plask::PathHints *path=0) const |
| Check if any object at given point , not hidden by another object, plays role with given name role_name (if so, returns non-nullptr).
shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > | hasRoleAt (const std::string &role_name, const DVec &point, const plask::PathHints &path) const |
| Check if any object at given point , not hidden by another object, plays role with given name role_name (if so, returns non-nullptr).
virtual void | addLineSegmentsToSet (std::set< LineSegment > &PLASK_UNUSED(segments), unsigned PLASK_UNUSED(max_steps), double PLASK_UNUSED(min_step_size)) const =0 |
| Add characteristic points to the set and edges connecting them.
std::set< LineSegment > | getLineSegments (unsigned max_steps=PLASK_GEOMETRY_MAX_STEPS, double min_step_size=PLASK_GEOMETRY_MIN_STEP_SIZE) const |
| Add characteristic points to the set and edges connecting them.
void | setMaxSteps (unsigned value) |
| Set max_steps.
void | setMinStepSize (double value) |
| Set min_step_size.
template<typename ClassT , typename methodT > |
boost::signals2::connection | changedConnectMethod (ClassT *obj, methodT method, boost::signals2::connect_position at=boost::signals2::at_back) |
| Connect a method to changed signal.
template<typename ClassT , typename methodT > |
void | changedDisconnectMethod (ClassT *obj, methodT method) |
| Disconnect a method from changed signal.
template<typename EventT = Event, typename... Args> |
void | fireChanged (Args &&... event_constructor_params_without_source) |
| Call changed with this as event source.
| GeometryObject (const GeometryObject &to_copy) |
| Initialize this to be the same as to_copy but doesn't have any changes observer.
GeometryObject & | operator= (const GeometryObject &to_copy) |
| Set this to be the same as to_copy but doesn't change changes observer.
| GeometryObject () |
| GeometryObject (unsigned max_steps, double min_step_size) |
virtual | ~GeometryObject () |
| Virtual destructor.
virtual void | writeXML (XMLWriter::Element &parent_xml_object, WriteXMLCallback &write_cb, AxisNames parent_axes) const |
| Write geometry tree branch rooted by this to XML.
void | writeXML (XMLWriter::Element &parent_xml_object, WriteXMLCallback &write_cb) const |
| Write geometry tree branch rooted by this to XML.
void | writeXML (XMLWriter::Element &parent_xml_object) const |
| Write geometry tree branch rooted by this to XML.
template<int DIMS> |
shared_ptr< GeometryObjectD< DIMS > > | asD () |
| Cast this to GeometryObjectD<DIMS>.
template<int DIMS> |
shared_ptr< const GeometryObjectD< DIMS > > | asD () const |
| Cast this to GeometryObjectD<DIMS> (const version).
shared_ptr< Geometry > | asGeometry () |
| Cast this to Geometry.
shared_ptr< const Geometry > | asGeometry () const |
| Cast this to Geometry.
bool | isLeaf () const |
bool | isTransform () const |
bool | isSpaceChanger () const |
bool | isContainer () const |
bool | isGeometry () const |
virtual void | addPointsAlongToSet (std::set< double > &points, Primitive< 3 >::Direction PLASK_UNUSED(direction), unsigned PLASK_UNUSED(max_steps), double PLASK_UNUSED(min_step_size)) const =0 |
| Add characteristic points information along specified axis to set.
std::set< double > | getPointsAlong (Primitive< 3 >::Direction direction, unsigned max_steps=PLASK_GEOMETRY_MAX_STEPS, double min_step_size=PLASK_GEOMETRY_MIN_STEP_SIZE) const |
| Get characteristic points information along specified axis.
bool | hasRole (std::string role_name) const |
| Check if this object belongs to class (has tag) with name role_name .
void | addRole (std::string role_name) |
| Add this to given class.
void | removeRole (std::string role_name) |
| Remove this from given class, do nothing if this is not in given class.
void | clearRoles () |
| Clear set of roles of this.
bool | hasInSubtree (const GeometryObject &el, const PathHints *pathHints) const |
bool | hasInSubtree (shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > el, const PathHints *pathHints) const |
void | getObjectsToVec (const Predicate &predicate, std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > &dest, const PathHints &path) const |
| Append all objects from subtree with this in root, which fulfill predicate to vector dest .
std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > | getObjects (const Predicate &predicate, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Get vector of all objects from subtree with this in root, which fulfill predicate.
std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > | getObjects (const Predicate &predicate, const PathHints &path) const |
| Get vector of all objects from subtree with this in root, which fulfill predicate.
void | getLeafsToVec (std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > &dest, const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Append all leafs in subtree with this in root to vector dest .
void | getLeafsToVec (std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > &dest, const PathHints &path) const |
| Append all leafs in subtree with this in root to vector dest .
std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > | getLeafs (const PathHints *path=0) const |
| Get all leafs in subtree with this object as root.
std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > | getLeafs (const PathHints &path) const |
| Get all leafs in subtree with this object as root.
void | getObjectsWithRoleToVec (const std::string &role, std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > &dest) const |
| Append all objects with a specified role in subtree with this in root to vector dest .
std::vector< shared_ptr< const GeometryObject > > | getObjectsWithRole (const std::string &role) const |
| Get all objects with a specified role in subtree with this object as root.
virtual std::size_t | getRealChildrenCount () const |
| Get number of real (physically stored) children in geometry graph.
virtual shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | getRealChildNo (std::size_t child_no) const |
| Get real (physically stored) child with given index.
virtual void | removeAtUnsafe (std::size_t index) |
| Remove child at given index .
void | removeAt (std::size_t index) |
| Remove child at given index .
void | removeRangeUnsafe (std::size_t index_begin, std::size_t index_end) |
bool | removeRange (std::size_t index_begin, std::size_t index_end) |
| Remove all children in given range [index_begin, index_end).
virtual void | forEachRealObjectInSubtree (std::function< bool(const GeometryObject &)> callback) const |
| Call a callback for each object in subtree with this in root.
FunctorIndexedIterator< ChildGetter > | begin () const |
FunctorIndexedIterator< ChildGetter > | end () const |
shared_ptr< GeometryObject > | deepCopy () |
| Get deep copy of this.
bool | canHasAsChild (const GeometryObject &potential_child) const |
bool | canHasAsParent (const GeometryObject &potential_parent) const |
void | ensureCanHasAsParent (const GeometryObject &potential_parent) const |
| Throw CyclicReferenceException if potential_parent is in subtree with this in root.
void | ensureCanHaveAsChild (const GeometryObject &potential_child) const |
| Throw CyclicReferenceException if potential_child has this in subtree.