Nbands4-plot | |
Nbands6-plot | |
►Nbessel | |
CCore | |
CDisk | |
►Nboost | |
►Ngeometry | |
►Ntraits | |
Caccess< plask::Vec< 2, double >, 0 > | |
Caccess< plask::Vec< 2, double >, 1 > | |
Ccoordinate_system< plask::Vec< 2, double > > | |
Ccoordinate_type< plask::Vec< 2, double > > | |
Cdimension< plask::Vec< 2, double > > | |
Ctag< plask::Vec< 2, double > > | |
►Nunit_test | |
Nut_detail | |
►Ncarriers | |
CCarriersTest | |
CConc | |
CEffectiveFrequencyCarriers | |
CEffectiveIndexCarriers | |
CFourier2DCarriers | |
Ncereal | |
Ncomplex | |
►Ncond2d | |
CCond2D_Test | |
CConductor | |
Ndiffusion2 | |
►Ndiffusion3d | |
CDiffusionTest | |
CGaAsQW | |
►Nefm | |
CEffectiveFrequency | |
►Neim | |
CCladding | |
CEffectiveIndex | |
CEffectiveIndexLaser | |
CGlass | |
►Nfiber | |
CAnalytic | |
►Nfields2d | |
CGlass | |
►Nfields3d | |
CGlass | |
►Nfresnel | |
CFresnelTest | |
CRefl | |
►Ngaas | |
CBarrier | |
CBarrier0 | |
CTestStructureGain | |
CWell | |
CWell0 | |
►Ngaas3d | |
CBarrier | |
CBarrier0 | |
CTestStructureGain | |
CWell | |
CWell0 | |
►Ngaussian | |
CDiffusion2D | |
CDiffusionCyl | |
CDiffusionTest | |
CGaAsQW | |
►Ngrating | |
CGratingTest | |
CHi | |
CLo | |
CSubs | |
►NJAMA | |
CCholesky | |
CEigenvalue | Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real (non-complex) matrix |
CLU | LU Decomposition |
CQR | |
CSVD | Singular Value Decomposition |
►Nkubly | |
CError | |
Cobszar_aktywny | |
Cpunkt | |
Cstan | |
Cstruktura | |
Cwarstwa | |
Cwarstwa_skraj | |
Cwzmocnienie | |
►Nlayers | |
CLayerSetTest | |
CMergeTest | |
CProviderTest | |
CTestAnisotropic | |
►Nloading | |
CEffectiveIndex2D_Test | |
CLowContrastMaterial | |
Nmatrices2 | |
Nmatrices2-shb | |
►Nmeta | |
►Nshockley | |
N_doc | |
►Nthermoelectric | |
Cattribute | |
CThermoElectric | |
CThermoElectric2D | |
CThermoElectric3D | |
CThermoElectricCyl | |
►Nthreshold | |
CThresholdSearch | |
CThresholdSearch2D | |
CThresholdSearchBesselCyl | |
CThresholdSearchCyl | |
CThresholdSearchFourier2D | |
►Nnewgain | |
CBarrier | |
CCap | |
CCladding | |
CNewGainValues | |
CSubstrate | |
CWell | |
►Nplask | Patterson quadrature for complex function along specified line |
►Nalign | |
►Ndetails | |
CAlignerCustomImpl | |
CPositionAlignerImpl | Alginer which place zero of object in constant, chosen place |
CTOP | |
CAligner | |
CAligner< _direction > | Base class for one direction aligners (in 2D and 3D spaces) |
CAligner< _direction1, _direction2 > | Two directions aligner in 3D space, compose and use two 1D aligners |
CAligner< Primitive< 3 >::Direction(0), Primitive< 3 >::Direction(1), Primitive< 3 >::Direction(2)> | Three directions aligner in 3D space, compose and use three 1D aligners |
CAligner< Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_LONG > | |
CAligner< Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_TRAN, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_VERT > | Two directions aligner in 2D and 3D space, compose and use two 1D aligners |
CAlignerBase | |
CAlignerBase2D | Base class for two directions aligner in 3D space, compose and use two 2D aligners |
CAlignerImpl | Helper which allow to implement base class for aligners which work in one direction |
CDictionaryFromXML | Allow to use XMLReader as dictionary which is required by aligners parsing functions |
CDirectionTo2D | Convert Direction to 2D vector direction |
CDirectionTo2D< Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_TRAN > | |
CDirectionTo2D< Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_VERT > | |
Naxis | |
►Ncategory | |
Nyour_solver | |
►Nccategory | |
►Nyour_solver | |
CYourSolver | This is Doxygen documentation of your solver |
►Ndetail | |
CDataVectorGC | Garbage collector info for DataVector |
CFlatMesh | |
CMakeBlockVisitor | |
►Ndetails | |
CVecDimConverter | |
CVecDimConverter< 2, T > | |
CVecDimConverter< 3, T > | |
►Nedge | |
CExtend | Strategy which moves point p to nearest edge |
CMirror | |
CNull | Strategy which does nothing |
CPeriodic | Strategy which moves point p by multiple of (bbox_hi - bbox_lo) to be in range [bbox_lo, bbox_hi] |
CSimpleMaterial | Strategy which assigns constant material |
CStrategy | Base, abstract for all classes which describe what do with points outside geometry in calculation space |
CStrategyHolder | Held edge strategy with given type and: |
CStrategyPairHolder | Held pairs of strategies (for lo and hi band) with given type |
CUniversalStrategy | Base class for all universal strategies |
►Nelectrical | |
►Ndiffusion | |
►CActiveRegion2D | |
CRegion | |
►CActiveRegion3D | |
CRegion | |
►CDiffusion2DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
CConcentrationDataImpl | |
CFrom1DGenerator | |
►CDiffusion3DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
CConcentrationDataImpl | |
CElementParams3D | |
CQwsLateralMesh3D | |
►Ndiffusion1d | |
►CDiffusionFem2DSolver | |
CConcentrationDataImpl | |
►Ndrift_diffusion | |
CDriftDiffusionModel2DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
►Nshockley | |
CBetaSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
►CElectricalFem2DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
►CActive | Details of active region |
CRegion | |
►CElectricalFem3DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
►CActive | Details of active region |
CRegion | |
►Ngain | |
►Nfreecarrier | |
CActiveRegionMesh | |
CDgbMatrix | Oversimple symmetric band matrix structure |
►CFreeCarrierGainSolver | Gain solver using Fermi Golden Rule |
CActiveRegionInfo | Structure containing information about each active region |
CActiveRegionParams | Structure containing active region data for current used |
CLevel | Data for energy level |
►CFreeCarrierGainSolver2D | Gain solver using Fermi Golden Rule |
CComputedData | |
►CDataBase | Base for lazy data implementation |
CAveragedData | |
CDgdnData | |
CEnergyLevelsData | |
CGainData | |
►CFreeCarrierGainSolver3D | Gain solver using Fermi Golden Rule |
CComputedData | |
►CDataBase | Base for lazy data implementation |
CAveragedData | |
CDgdnData | |
CEnergyLevelsData | |
CGainData | |
CGainSpectrum | Cached gain spectrum |
CRegion2D | |
►Nhyman | |
Cis_callable_impl | |
Cis_callable_impl< Expr, 5 > | |
Cis_callable_impl< F(Args...), 4, always_void< decltype(std::declval< F >()(std::declval< Args >()...))> > | |
Cis_callable_impl< F(T), 2, always_void< decltype(std::declval< T >().*std::declval< F >())> > | |
Cis_callable_impl< F(T), 3, always_void< decltype((*std::declval< T >()).*std::declval< F >())> > | |
Cis_callable_impl< F(T, Args...), 0, always_void< decltype((std::declval< T >().*std::declval< F >())(std::declval< Args >()...))> > | |
Cis_callable_impl< F(T, Args...), 1, always_void< decltype(((*std::declval< T >()).*std::declval< F >())(std::declval< Args >()...))> > | |
Ninterpolation | |
Nmasked_hyman | |
►Nmaterials | |
CAir | Represent air, its physical properties |
►Noptical | |
►Neffective | |
►Ndetail | |
CContourBisect | |
CContour | |
►CEffectiveFrequencyCyl | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian space using effective index method |
CFieldR | |
CFieldZ | |
CMatrixR | |
CMatrixZ | |
CMode | Details of the computed mode |
►CEffectiveIndex2D | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian space using effective index method |
CField | |
CMatrix | |
CMode | Details of the computed mode |
CRootBrent | |
CRootBroyden | |
►CRootDigger | |
CParams | |
CRootMuller | |
CZgbMatrix | Oversimple symmetric band matrix structure |
►Nmodal | |
►NFFT | |
CBackward1D | Fourier transform of multiple 1D arrays |
CBackward2D | Fourier transform of multiple 2D arrays |
CForward1D | Fourier transform of multiple 1D arrays |
CForward2D | Fourier transform of multiple 2D arrays |
►Npython | |
Ndetail | |
CCoeffsArray | |
►CEigenmodes | Proxy class for accessing layer eigenmodes |
CEigenmode | |
CFourierSolver3D_LongTranSetter | |
CFourierSolver3D_LongTranWrapper | |
CFourierSolver3D_SymmetryLongTranWrapper | |
CPmlWrapper | |
CPythonComponentConventer | |
►CScattering | Proxy class for accessing scatterd fields |
CIncident | |
CReflected | |
CTransmitted | |
CWrappedType | |
CWrappedType< PML > | |
CAdmittanceTransfer | Base class for all solvers using reflection matrix method |
►CBesselSolverCyl | Reflection transformation solver in Cartesian 2D geometry |
CMode | |
CDiagonalizer | Base for the class determining and holding the necessary matrices This is the abstract base class for all diagonalizers (multi-threaded, disk-storage, MPI-using etc |
CExpansion | |
►CExpansionBessel | |
CIntegrals | Matrices with computed integrals necessary to construct RE and RH matrices |
CSegment | Integration segment data |
CExpansionBesselFini | |
CExpansionBesselInfini | |
►CExpansionPW2D | |
CCoeffMatrices | |
CCoeffs | |
►CExpansionPW3D | |
CCoeff | |
►CGradient | Gradient data structure (cos² and cos·sin) |
CVertex | |
►CFourierSolver2D | Reflection transformation solver in Cartesian 2D geometry |
CMode | Mode parameters |
►CFourierSolver3D | Reflection transformation solver in Cartesian 3D geometry |
CMode | |
CGradientFunctions | |
CImpedanceTransfer | Base class for all solvers using reflection matrix method |
CLateralMeshAdapter | |
CLateralMeshAdapter< SolverOver< Geometry3D > > | |
►CLevelsAdapter | Simple adapter that allows to process single level in the mesh |
CLevel | |
►CLevelsAdapterGeneric | Generic implementation of the level adapter |
CGenericLevel | |
CMesh | |
►CLevelsAdapterRectangular | More efficient Rectangular implementation of the level adapter |
CMesh | |
CRectangularLevel | |
CMatrix | General simple matrix template |
CMatrixDiagonal | General simple diagonal matrix template |
CModalBase | Common base with layer details independent on the geometry |
CModalSolver | Base class for all modal solvers |
CPML | Information about lateral PMLs |
►CReflectionTransfer | Base class for all solvers using reflection matrix method |
CLayerFields | Struct containing data for computing field in a layer |
CRootBrent | |
CRootBroyden | |
►CRootDigger | |
CParams | |
CRootMuller | |
CSimpleDiagonalizer | Simple diagonalizer This class is a simple diagonalizer |
CTempMatrix | |
CTempMatrixPool | |
CTransfer | Base class for Admittance and Reflection transfers |
►CXanceTransfer | Base class for all solvers using reflection matrix method |
CFieldsDiagonalized | The structure holding the set of diagonalized fields at the layer boundaries |
Nphys | Basic physical quantities and functions |
►Npython | |
►Ndetail | |
CExportedSolverDefaultDefs< Diffusion2DSolver< Geometry2DCartesian >, void, void > | |
CExportedSolverDefaultDefs< Diffusion2DSolver< Geometry2DCylindrical >, void, void > | |
►Nsolvers | |
►NFermiNew | |
►CDataBase | Base for lazy data implementation |
CAveragedData | |
CDgDnData | |
►CFermiNewGainSolver | Gain solver using Fermi Golden Rule |
CActiveRegionData | Structure containing information about each active region |
CActiveRegionInfo | Active region information with optional modified structure |
CGainData | |
CGainSpectrum | Cached gain spectrum |
CLevels | |
CLuminescenceData | |
CLuminescenceSpectrum | Cached luminescence spectrum |
CptrVector | |
Nspline | |
►Nthermal | |
►Ndynamic | |
►CDynamicThermalFem2DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
CThermalConductivityData | |
►CDynamicThermalFem3DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
CThermalConductivityData | |
►Ntstatic | |
CBc | |
CConvection | Boundary condition: convection |
CRadiation | Boundary condition: radiation |
►CThermalFem2DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
CThermalConductivityData | |
►CThermalFem3DSolver | Solver performing calculations in 2D Cartesian or Cylindrical space using finite element method |
CThermalConductivityData | |
C__InterpolateMeta__ | |
C__InterpolateMeta__< SrcMeshT, SrcT, DstT, __ILLEGAL_INTERPOLATION_METHOD__ > | |
CAccurateSum | Allow to compute sum of doubles much more accurate than directly |
►Caligned_allocator | STL compatible allocator to use with with 16 byte aligned types |
Crebind | |
Caligned_deleter | Aligned deleter for use e.g |
Caligned_deleter< T[]> | |
CArrangeContainer | Sequence container that repeats its child over a line shifted by a vector |
CAssignWithBackup | Assign new value to variable and back the old value in destructor |
►CAxisNames | Held names of axises |
CRegister | Register of axis names |
CBadId | This is thrown if name is bad id |
CBadInput | This exception is thrown when value specified by the user is bad |
CBadMesh | This exception is thrown when the mesh is somehow bad |
CBandEdges | Conduction and valence band edges (eV) |
CBandMatrix | |
CBarycentricExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl | |
CBarycentricTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl | |
CBlock | Represent figure which, depends from dim is: |
CBoundary | Instance of this class represents predicate which chooses a subset of points (strictly: indices of points) from a mesh |
CBoundaryCondition | One boundary-condition pair |
CBoundaryConditions | Set of boundary conditions for given mesh type and boundary condition description type |
CBoundaryConditionsWithMesh | Set of boundary conditions instances for given mesh type and boundary condition description type |
CBoundaryConditionWithMesh | One boundary-condition pair concretized for a given mesh |
CBoundaryNodeSet | Holds BoundaryNodeSetImpl and delegate all calls to it |
CBoundaryNodeSetImpl | Base class for boundaries logic |
►CBoundaryNodeSetWithMeshImpl | Template of base class for boundaries of mesh with given type which store reference to mesh |
CIteratorWithMeshImpl | Base class for boundary iterator implementation which contains reference to boundary |
CBoundaryOp | Boundary which represents union/intersection/difference (depending on OpNodeSetImplT) of boundaries |
CBoundingBoxCache | Lazy cache of object bounding box |
CBox2D | Rectangle class |
CBox3D | Cuboid class |
CCacheBase | |
CCacheRemoveOnEachChange | Strategy of removing from cache which removes key always when it is changed |
CCacheRemoveOnlyWhenDeleted | Strategy of removing from cache which removes key only when it is deleted |
CCacheRemoveStrategyBase | Base class for strategy of removing from cache |
CCarriersConcentration | Carriers concentration (1/cm^3) For majority carriers it is not specified whether the carriers are electrons or holes |
CCartesianMesh2DTo3D | 3D mesh that wrap 2D mesh |
CCartesianMesh2DTo3DExtend | 3D mesh that wrap 2D mesh (sourceMesh) |
CCFileOutput | |
CchooseType | Choose nr-th type from types list |
CCircle | Represents circle (sphere in 3D) with given radius and center at point (0, 0) |
CClip | Represent geometry object equal to its child clipped to given box |
CCombinedProviderBase | Template of base class of combine provider |
►CCompressedSetOfNumbers | Sorted, compressed, indexed set of numbers |
Cconst_iterator | |
CConstIteratorFacade | Facade which help to develop iterators over CompressedSetOfNumbers |
CSegment | |
CComputationError | This exception should be thrown by solvers in case of error in computations |
CConductivity | Electrical conductivity [S/m] |
CConstDataSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use ConstDataSource instead |
CConstDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CConstDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CConstMaterial | |
CConstValueLazyDataImpl | Lazy data vector of consts |
CCriticalException | Exceptions of this class are thrownin cases of critical and very unexpected errors (possible plask bugs) |
CCurrentDensity | Electric current density (kA/cm²) This is 2D vector for two-dimensional sovers |
CCustomFieldProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for vectorial fields that can be interpolated |
CCyclicReferenceException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when called operation on geometry graph will cause cyclic reference |
CCylinder | Cylinder with given height and base radius |
CCylReductionTo2DMesh | This class is a 2D mesh which wraps 3D mesh (sourceMesh ), reduce each point of sourceMesh (in cylinder) to 2D and translate it by given vector (translation ) |
CDataError | This exception is called when operation on data vectors cannot be performed |
CDataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom2Dto3DSource instead |
►CDataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom2Dto3DSource instead |
CLazySourceImpl | |
►CDataFrom2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom2Dto3DSource instead |
CLazySourceImpl | |
CDataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3Dto2DSource instead |
CDataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3Dto2DSource instead |
CDataFrom3Dto2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3Dto2DSource instead |
CDataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource instead |
CDataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource instead |
CDataFrom3DtoCyl2DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFrom3DtoCyl2DSource instead |
CDataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource instead |
►CDataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource instead |
CLazySourceImpl | |
►CDataFromCyl2Dto3DSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use DataFromCyl2Dto3DSource instead |
CLazySourceImpl | |
CDataLog | Template of base class for classes which store or log n-dimensional data |
CDataSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use DataSource instead |
CDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CDataSourceWithReceiver | |
CDataVector | Store pointer and size |
CDelegateProvider | |
CDelegateProvider< _Res(_ArgTypes...)> | Template of class which is good base class for providers which delegate calls of operator() to external functor (function or method) |
CDgbMatrix | Symmetric band matrix structure |
CDielectric | Base material class for all dielectrics |
►CDiffBoundarySetImpl | This logic holds two boundaries and represent a set difference of them |
►CIteratorImpl | |
CIteratorWithEnd | |
CDimensionError | This exception is thrown if there is a problem with dimensions |
CDirectionWithout | |
CDirectionWithout< 2, Primitive< 2 >::DIRECTION_TRAN > | |
CDirectionWithout< 2, Primitive< 2 >::DIRECTION_VERT > | |
CDirectionWithout< 3, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_LONG > | |
CDirectionWithout< 3, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_TRAN > | |
CDirectionWithout< 3, Primitive< 3 >::DIRECTION_VERT > | |
CDontCopyThisField | This template can be used to show fileds shich should be just ignore by copy constructors and assign operators of the class |
CDpbMatrix | Symmetric band matrix structure |
CDummyMaterial | Dummy named material |
CDynamicLibraries | Represent set of dynamically loaded library |
CDynamicLibrary | Hold opened shared library |
CElementIndexValueGetter | |
►CEmptyBoundaryImpl | Implementation of empty boundary logic |
CIteratorImpl | |
CEmptyLeafCacheNode | |
CEnergyLevels | Energy levels for electrons and holes (eV) |
CEpsilon | Permittivity tensor |
►CEquilateralMesh3D | |
CTransformed | Adapter for the destination mesh in interpolations, moving the src point to mesh coordinates |
CEventWithSourceAndFlags | Base class for classes which store information about event generated by objects of type SourceType |
CException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by plask library |
►CExtrudedTriangularMesh3D | 3D mesh that is a cartesian product of 2D triangular mesh at long-tran and 1D mesh at vert axis |
CElement | Represent FEM-like element (right triangular prism) in ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D |
CElementMesh | |
CElements | Wrapper to ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D which allows for accessing FEM-like elements |
CExtrusion | Represent 3D geometry object which are extend of 2D object (child) in lon direction |
CFemMatrix | |
CFemSolverWithMaskedMesh | |
CFemSolverWithMesh | |
CFermiLevels | Quasi-Fermi levels for electrons and holes (eV) |
CFieldProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for fields |
CFieldProvider | Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider class which provide values in points described by mesh and use interpolation |
CFieldSumProvider | Template of class of sum provider for providers with interpolation |
CFieldSumProviderImpl | Template of base class of sum provider for providers with interpolation |
►CFieldSumProviderImpl< PropertyT, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CSumLazyDataImpl | |
CFilterBaseImpl | Don't use this directly, use FilterBase or Filter instead |
►CFilterBaseImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CFilterLazyDataImpl | |
►CFilterBaseImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, OutputSpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CFilterLazyDataImpl | |
CFilterCommonBase | |
CFilterImpl | |
CFilterImpl< PropertyT, Geometry2DCartesian > | Filter which provides data in 2D Cartesian space |
CFilterImpl< PropertyT, Geometry2DCylindrical > | Filter which provides data in 2D cylindrical space |
CFilterImpl< PropertyT, Geometry3D > | Filter which provides data in 3D Cartesian space |
►CFiltersFactory | Construct filters using data from XML |
CRegister | Helper which calls getDefault().add(typeName, filterCreator) in constructor |
CRegisterStandard | Helper which calls getDefault().addStandard<PropertyTag>() in constructor |
CFlip | Represent geometry object equal to mirror reflection of its child |
CFunctorIndexedIterator | Template to create iterators which using functor having size argument |
CGain | Material gain (1/cm) |
CGap1D | Gap in one, choose at compile time, direction |
CGenericMaterial | Generic material, which can actually be instantiated |
CGeometry | Base class for all geometry trunks |
CGeometry2DCartesian | Geometry trunk in 2D Cartesian space |
CGeometry2DCylindrical | Geometry trunk in 2D Cylindrical space |
CGeometry3D | Geometry trunk in 3D space |
CGeometryD | Base class for all geometry trunks in given space |
CGeometryException | Base class for all geometry exceptions thrown by plask library |
►CGeometryObject | Base class for all geometries |
CChanger | Base class for geometry changers |
CChildrenListChangedEvent | Event class for events types: EVENT_CHILDREN_INSERT and EVENT_CHILDREN_REMOVE |
CCompositeChanger | Geometry changer which holds vector of changers and try to apply this changers sequentially |
CDeleteChanger | |
CEvent | Store information about event connected with geometry object |
CPredicateHasRole | Predicate which check if given object belong to class with given name |
CPredicateIsA | Predicate which check if given object is another instance of some particular object (given in constructor) |
CReplaceChanger | Changer which replaces given geometry object from to given geometry object to |
CSubtree | This structure can refer to part of geometry tree |
CToBlockChanger | Changer which replaces given geometry object toChange to block (2d or 3d, depents from toChange) with size equals to toChange bounding box, and with given material |
CWriteXMLCallback | Base class for callbacks used by save() method to get names of objects and paths |
CGeometryObjectBBox | Geometry object + its bounding box |
CGeometryObjectContainer | Template of base class for all container nodes |
►CGeometryObjectD | Template of base roles for geometry objects in space with given number of dimensions (2 or 3) |
CLineSegment | Line segment represented by two unordered points |
►CGeometryObjectLeaf | Template of base classes for all leaf nodes |
CDraftGradientMaterial | |
CGradientMaterial | |
CMaterialProvider | |
CSolidMaterial | |
CGeometryObjectSeparator | Template of base classes for all separator nodes |
CGeometryObjectTransform | Template of base class for all transform nodes |
CGeometryObjectTransformSpace | Template of base class for all transformations which change the space between its parent and child |
►CGeometryReader | Allow to read geometry from XML |
CRegisterChangerReader | Helper which call registerChangerReader in constructor |
CRegisterObjectReader | Helper which call registerObjectReader in constructor |
CRevertMaterialsAreRequired | Revert materialsAreRequired flag in destructor |
CSetExpectedSuffix | Store current expectedSuffix, set new one, and restore old when out of the scope (in destructor) |
CHeat | Density of heat sources [W/m²] or (W/m³) |
CHeatFlux | Heat flux in 2D or 3D space [W/m] or [W/m²] |
CHeatSumProvider | Provider which sums heat densities from one or more sources |
CHeightReader | Helper used by read_... stack functions |
CHolder | Template for base class of object holder |
CHolderRef | Template for base class of object holder |
CHollowCylinder | Hollow cylinder (tube) with given height and two base radii (internal and external) |
CHyman | |
CHyman< dcomplex > | |
CHyman< Tensor2< T > > | |
CHyman< Tensor3< T > > | |
CHyman< Vec< 2, T > > | |
CHyman< Vec< 3, T > > | |
CHymanSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl | |
CHymanSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl | |
CHymanSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl | |
CHymanSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl | |
CIllFormatedComplex | Exception thrown by complex parser when complex number is ill-formated |
CIndexedIterator | Template to create iterators for containers which have operator[] |
Cindices | Don't use this directly, use applyTuple instead |
►CInnerDataSource | |
CRegion | |
CInternalCacheNode | Instances of this template represents all internal nodes of cache |
CInterpolatedLazyDataImpl | Base class for lazy data (vector) that perform interpolation |
CInterpolationAlgorithm | Specialization of this class are used for interpolation and can depend on source mesh type, data type and the interpolation method |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< EquilateralMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< EquilateralMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< EquilateralMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< ExtrudedTriangularMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< LateralMesh3D< SrcMeshT >, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< LateralMesh3D< SrcMeshT >, SrcT, DstT, method > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMaskedMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_SPLINE > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< RectangularMesh3D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< SrcMeshT, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT > | Specialization of InterpolationAlgorithm showing elegant message if algorithm default is used |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< TriangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< TriangularMesh2D, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< TriangularMesh2D::ElementMesh, SrcT, DstT, INTERPOLATION_NEAREST > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, EquilateralMesh3D >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, EquilateralMesh3D::ElementMesh >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, RectangularMesh2D::ElementMesh >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > | |
CInterpolationAlgorithm< typename std::enable_if< method !=INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, RectangularMesh3D::ElementMesh >::type, SrcT, DstT, method > | |
CInterpolationFlags | Interpolation flags that give information how to interpolate fields on periodic and symmetric geometries |
CIntersection | Represent geometry object equal to intersection of the children |
►CIntersectionBoundarySetImpl | This logic holds two boundaries and represent a set intersection of them |
►CIteratorImpl | |
CIteratorWithEnd | |
Cis_callable | Check if Expr is callable |
CIterativeMatrixParams | |
CLateralMesh3D | 3D mesh with arbitrary lateral mesh and constant vertical coordinate |
CLateralVec | |
CLattice | Lattice container that arranges its children in two-dimensional lattice |
CLazyData | Lazy data (vector) |
CLazyDataDelegateImpl | Call functor to get data |
CLazyDataFromVectorImpl | Wrap DataVector and allow to access to it |
CLazyDataImpl | Base class for implementation used by lazy data vector |
CLeafCacheNode | |
CLightE | Profile of the optical electric field [V/m] |
CLightH | Profile of the optical magnetic field (A/m) |
CLightMagnitude | Profile of the optical field 1/2 E × conj(E) / Z0 [W/m²] |
CLightMagnitudeSumProvider | Provider which sums light intensities from one or more sources |
CLinearInterpolatedLazyDataImpl | Implementation of InterpolatedLazyDataImpl which calls src_mesh.interpolateLinear(src_vec, dst_mesh) |
CLiquidCrystal | Base material class for all liquid crystals |
CLogger | Abstract class that is base for all loggers |
CLuminescence | Luminescence [?] |
Cmake_seq_indices_impl | |
Cmake_seq_indices_impl< Begin, End, indices< Indices... > > | |
Cmake_seq_indices_impl< End, End, indices< Indices... > > | |
►CManager | Geometry manager features: |
CExternalSourcesFromFile | Allow to support reading some sections from other files |
CMap | |
CSetAxisNames | Set axis name from current reader tag, set it in manager as current, and restore old axisNames value when out of the scope |
►CMaterial | Represent material, its physical properties |
CParameters | Parameters of material, information about: name, label, composition and dopant |
CStringBuilder | Helper class for easy constructing string representations of complex materials |
CMaterialCache | |
CMaterialCantBeMixedException | |
►CMaterialInfo | Collect meta-information about material |
CDB | Material info database |
CLink | Represent link ("see also") to property in class |
CPropertyInfo | Collect information about material property |
CRegister | Helper which allow to add (do this in constructor) information about material to default material meta-info database |
CMaterialMethodNotImplemented | This exception is thrown by material methods which are not implemented |
CMaterialParseException | Exceptions of this class are thrownwhen material string parser find errors |
►CMaterialsDB | Materials database |
CDelegateMaterialConstructor | Specialization of this implements MaterialConstructor |
CDelegateMaterialConstructor< MaterialType, false, false > | |
CDelegateMaterialConstructor< MaterialType, false, true > | |
CDelegateMaterialConstructor< MaterialType, true, false > | |
CDelegateMaterialConstructor< MaterialType, true, true > | |
CDummyMixedCompositionFactory | Dummy mixed factory for use in draft mode |
CMaterialConstructor | Object of this class (inherited from it) construct material instance |
CMixedCompositionAndDopantFactory | Factory of alloy material which construct its versions with mixed version of two compositions and dopants |
CMixedCompositionFactory | Base class for factories of alloy materials which construct their versions with mixed compositions and/or doping amounts |
CMixedCompositionOnlyFactory | Factory of alloy material which construct it version with mixed version of two compositions (for materials without dopants) |
CMixedDopantFactory | Factory of alloy material which construct its versions with mixed versions of two dopants (for material with same compositions) |
CProxyMaterialConstructor | Material constructor that holds other constructor or complete material object based on the provided name |
CRegister | Helper which calls getDefault().add<MaterialType>([name]) in constructor |
CRegisterUnderName | Same as Register but for materials without static field NAME |
CMaterialWithBase | Material with another one as base |
►CMesh | Base class for all the meshes |
CEvent | Store information about event connected with mesh |
CMeshAxis | Abstract class to derive all mesh axes from |
CMeshBase | Common base for meshes and generators |
CMeshD | Base class for all meshes defined for specified number of dimensions |
CMeshGenerator | Base class for every mesh generator |
CMeshGeneratorD | Base class for specific mesh generator |
CMetal | Base material class for all metals |
CMethodIterator | Template to create iterators which using method having index argument |
CMIArgumentRange | |
CMidpointAxis | |
CMINote | |
CMirror | Represent geometry object equal to its child with mirror reflection |
CMISee | |
CMISeeClass | |
CMISource | |
CMixedMaterial | Material which consist of several real materials |
CModeEffectiveIndex | Effective index |
CModeLightE | Profile of the optical electric field [V/m] |
CModeLightH | Profile of the optical magnetic field (A/m) |
CModeLightMagnitude | Profile of the optical field 1/2 E × conj(E) / Z0 [W/m²] |
CModeLoss | Modal loss (1/cm) |
CModePropagationConstant | Propagation constant (1/µm) |
CModeWavelength | Wavelength (nm) |
CMultiCustomFieldProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for multiple vectorial fields that can be interpolated |
CMultiFieldProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for multiple fields |
CMultiFieldProvider | Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider class which provide values in points described by mesh and use interpolation |
CMultiLateralMesh3D | 3D mesh with arbitrary lateral mesh and vertical axis |
CMultiStackContainer | N-stacks |
CMultiValueProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for multiple value (double type by default) properties |
CMultiValueProvider | Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider which provide multiple values (for example one double) |
CMultiVectorFieldProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for multiple vectorial fields that can be interpolated |
CNamesConflictException | Exceptions of this class are thrownby some geometry object classes when there is no required child |
CNaNImpl | This template is used by NaN function and have to be specialized to support new types (other than type supported by std::numeric_limits) |
CNaNImpl< std::complex< T > > | Specialization of NaNImpl which adds support for complex numbers |
CNaNImpl< Tensor2< T > > | Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 2D tensors |
CNaNImpl< Tensor3< T > > | Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 3D tensors |
CNaNImpl< Vec< 2, T > > | Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 2D vectors |
CNaNImpl< Vec< 3, T > > | Specialization of NaNImpl which add support for 3D vectors |
CNearestNeighborElementExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl | |
CNearestNeighborElementTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl | |
CNearestNeighborExtrudedTriangularMesh3DLazyDataImpl | |
CNearestNeighborInterpolatedLazyDataImpl | Implementation of InterpolatedLazyDataImpl which calls src_mesh.interpolateNearestNeighbor(src_vec, dst_mesh) |
CNearestNeighborTriangularMesh2DLazyDataImpl | |
CNoChildException | Exceptions of this class are thrown by some geometry object classes when there is no required child |
CNoGeometryException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when solvers don't have geometry set |
CNoLogging | Logger switch |
CNoMeshException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when solvers don't have mesh set |
CNoProvider | This exception is thrown, typically on access to receiver data, when there is no provider connected with it |
CNoSuchAxisNames | This exception is thrown when axis (typically with given name) is not found |
CNoSuchGeometry | This exception is thrown when geometry (typically with given name) is not found |
CNoSuchGeometryObject | This exception is thrown when geometry object (typically with given name) is not found |
CNoSuchGeometryObjectType | This exception is thrown when geometry object (typically with given name) is not found |
CNoSuchMaterial | This exception is thrown when material (typically with given name) is not found |
CNoSuchPath | This exception is thrown when named PatHints are not found |
CNotImplemented | This exception is thrown when some method is not implemented |
CNotUniqueObjectException | Exceptions of this class are thrown by some geometry object classes |
CNoValue | |
COmpEnabler | |
COmpLock | |
COmpLockGuard | |
COmpLockState | State of the current lock |
COnePointAxis | A trivial axis that contains only one point |
COnePointMesh | Mesh which represent set with only one point in space with size given as template parameter DIM |
►COrderedAxis | Rectilinear mesh in 1D space |
CWarningOff | |
COrderedMesh1DRegularGenerator | Generator of basic 2D geometry grid with approximately equal spacing |
COrderedMesh1DSimpleGenerator | Generator of basic 2D geometry grid |
COStreamOutput | |
COuterDataSource | Data source in which input object is outer and contains output object |
COutOfBoundsException | This exception is thrown when some value (function argument) is out of bound |
COxide | Base material class for all oxides |
CPath | Path in geometry graph |
CPathHints | Represent hints for path finder |
CPointsOnCircleMeshExtend | 3D mesh that wrap 2D mesh (sourceMesh) |
CPolygon | |
CPolymorphicDelegateProvider | |
CPolymorphicDelegateProvider< _BaseClass, _Res(_ArgTypes...)> | Template of class which is a good base class for providers which delegate calls of operator() to external functor (function or method) |
CPolymorphicForwardIterator | Polymorphic, forward iterator |
CPolymorphicForwardIteratorImpl | Base class for forward, polymorphic iterators implementations |
CPolymorphicForwardIteratorWithIndex | Polymorphic, forward iterator which allow to get index of current position |
CPolymorphicForwardIteratorWithIndexImpl | Base class for forward, polymorphic iterators implementations which allow to get index of current position |
CPolymorphicForwardIteratorWrapperImpl | Polymorphic iterator that wrap another (usually not polymorphic) iterator (of type wrapped_iterator_type) |
CPositionValidator | |
CPotential | Electric potential (V) |
►CPredicateBoundaryImpl | Boundary logic implementation which represents set of indexes which fulfill predicate |
CPredicateIteratorImpl | |
CPrimitive | Define types of primitives and constants in space with given number of dimensions |
CPrimitive< 1 > | Specialization of Primitive, which define types of primitives and constants in space with 1 dimensions |
CPrimitive< 2 > | Specialization of Primitive, which define types of primitives and constants in space with 2 dimensions |
CPrimitive< 3 > | Specialization of Primitive, which define types of primitives and constants in space with 3 dimensions |
CPrintable | Base class / helper for printable classes with virtual print method |
CPrism | |
CProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class |
CProperty< _propertyType, _ValueType, _ValueType, _ExtraParams... > | |
CPropertyAt | Describe property type in given space |
CPropertyAt< PropertyTag, void > | |
CPropertyAtDimImpl | Describe property in given space. Don't use it directly, but use PropertyAtDim |
CPropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 2, false > | |
CPropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 2, true > | Describe property in 2D space. Don't use it directly, but use PropertyAtDim |
CPropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 3, false > | |
CPropertyAtDimImpl< PropertyTag, 3, true > | Describe property in 3D space. Don't use it directly, but use PropertyAtDim |
CPropertyAtImpl | |
CPropertyAtImpl< PropertyTag, Geometry2DCylindrical, Geometry3D, false > | |
CPropertyAtImpl< PropertyTag, Geometry3D, Geometry2DCylindrical, false > | |
CPropertyTypeToProviderName | |
CPropertyTypeToProviderName< FIELD_PROPERTY > | |
CPropertyTypeToProviderName< MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY > | |
CPropertyTypeToProviderName< MULTI_VALUE_PROPERTY > | |
CPropertyTypeToProviderName< SINGLE_VALUE_PROPERTY > | |
CProvider | Base class for all Providers |
CProviderFor | Specializations of this class define implementations of providers for given property tag: |
CProviderImpl | Specializations of this class are implementations of providers for given property tag class and this tag properties |
►CProviderImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > | Specialization which implements provider class which provides values in mesh points and uses interpolation |
CConstProviderType | Return same value in all points |
CTransform | Provider that uses mesh transformation and has a received for different mesh type |
CWithValue | Template for implementation of field provider class which holds vector of values and mesh inside |
►CProviderImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > | Specialization which implements provider class which provides multiple values in mesh points and uses interpolation |
CConstProviderType | Return same value in all points |
CDelegate | Implementation of field provider class which delegates all operator() calls to external functor |
CTransform | Provider that uses mesh transformation and has a received for different mesh type |
CWithValue | Template for implementation of field provider class which holds vector of values and mesh inside |
►CProviderImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_VALUE_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > | Partial specialization which implements abstract provider class which provides a single value, typically one double |
CDelegate | Implementation of one value provider class which delegates all operator() calls to external functor |
CWithDefaultValue | Implementation of one value provider class which holds value inside (in value field) and operator() returns its held value |
CWithValue | Implementation of one value provider class which holds value inside (in value field) and operator() return its held value |
►CProviderImpl< PropertyT, SINGLE_VALUE_PROPERTY, SpaceT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< _ExtraParams... > > | Partial specialization which implements abstract provider class which provides a single value, typically one double |
CWithDefaultValue | Implementation of one value provider class which holds value inside (in value field) and operator() returns its held value |
CWithValue | Implementation of one value provider class which holds value inside (in value field) and operator() return its held value |
CReceiver | Base class for all Receivers |
CReceiverBase | Common non-template base for all receivers |
CReceiverFor | Specializations of this class are implementations of Receiver for given property tag |
CRectangular_t | |
CRectangular_t< 1 > | |
►CRectangularMaskedMesh2D | Rectangular mesh which uses (and indexes) only chosen elements and all nodes in their corners |
CBoundaryIteratorImpl | |
CBoundaryNodeSetImpl | |
CElement | |
CElementMesh | Element mesh |
CElements | |
►CRectangularMaskedMesh3D | Rectangular mesh which uses (and indexes) only chosen elements and all nodes in their corners |
CBoundaryIteratorImpl | Iterator over plane CHANGE_DIR_SLOWER, CHANGE_DIR_FASTER (an index if the remain coordinate is constant) |
CBoundaryNodeSetImpl | |
CElement | |
CElementMesh | Element mesh |
CElements | |
►CRectangularMaskedMeshBase | Common base class for RectangularMaskedMesh 2D and 3D |
CBoundaryIndexForAxis | The lowest and the largest index in use, for each direction |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator over nodes coordinates |
►CElementMeshBase | Base class for element meshes with common code for 2D and 3D |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator over elements |
►CElementsBase | Base class for Elements with common code for 2D and 3D |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator over elements |
►CRectangularMesh2D | Rectilinear mesh in 2D space |
CElement | Represent FEM-like element in RectangularMesh |
CElementMesh | |
CElements | Wrapper to TriangularMesh2D which allows for accessing FEM-like elements |
CRectangularMesh2DFrom1DGenerator | Generator of 2D geometry grid using other generator for horizontal axis |
CRectangularMesh2DRegularGenerator | Generator of basic 2D geometry grid with approximately equal spacing |
CRectangularMesh2DSimpleGenerator | Generator of basic 2D geometry grid |
CRectangularMesh3D | Rectangular mesh in 3D space |
CRectangularMesh3DRegularGenerator | Generator of basic 3D geometry grid with approximately equal spacing |
CRectangularMesh3DSimpleGenerator | Generator of basic 3D geometry grid |
CRectangularMeshBase2D | |
CRectangularMeshBase3D | |
CRectangularMeshDivideGenerator | Dividing generator ensuring no rapid change of element size |
CRectangularMeshRefinedGenerator | Dividing generator ensuring no rapid change of element size |
CRectangularMeshSmoothGenerator | Dense-edge generator that has very dense sampling near edges and gradually gets wider towards the center |
►CRectilinearMesh3D | Rectilinear mesh in 3D space |
CElement | Represent FEM-like element in Rectilinear |
CElementMesh | Element mesh class |
CElements | Wrapper to Rectilinear which allow to access to FEM-like elements |
CReductionTo2DMesh | This class is a 2D mesh which wraps 3D mesh (sourceMesh ), reduce each point of sourceMesh to 2D and translate it back by given vector (translation ) |
CRefractiveIndex | Refractive index |
CRegisterMeshGeneratorReader | Helper which call stores mesh reader when constructed |
CRegisterMeshReader | Helper which call stores mesh reader when constructed |
CRegularAxis | Regular mesh in 1d space |
CReindexedContainer | ReindexedContainer instantiation is class which objects have reference to original container and operator[] |
CRevolution | Represent 3D geometry object which is an effect of revolving a 2D object (child) around the up axis |
CRotatedCuboid | Represent a cuboid that can be rotated in a horizontal plane |
CSafeDataImpl | LazyData implementation removing NaN from another data |
CSameMeshChecker | Object of this class allows for checking if a given mesh is the same mesh which has been used recently |
CScaledFieldProvider | Template of class of scaled provider for providers with interpolation |
CScaledFieldProviderImpl | Template of base class of scaled provider for providers with interpolation |
CScaledFieldProviderImpl< DstPropertyT, SrcPropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceT, ScaleT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CScaledFieldProviderImpl< DstPropertyT, SrcPropertyT, propertyType, SpaceT, ScaleT, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | |
CScaledLazyDataImpl | |
CScaledProviderBase | Template of base of scaled provider |
CSegmentSet | |
CSegmentSetMember | |
CSegmentsIterator | Iterate over segments |
CSemiconductor | Base material class for all semiconductors and similar materials |
CShelfContainer2D | Horizontal stack |
CSingleValueProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags class for single value (double type by default) properties |
CSingleValueProvider | Instantiation of this template is abstract base class for provider which provide one value (for example one double) |
CSmoothSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl | |
CSmoothSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl | |
CSolver | Base class for all solvers |
CSolverOver | Base class for all solvers operating on specified space |
CSolverWithMesh | Base class for all solvers operating on specified olding an external mesh |
CSparseBandMatrix | |
CSparseFreeMatrix | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CSpatialIndexNode | Base class for cache and nodes of cache |
CSplineMaskedRect2DLazyDataImpl | |
CSplineMaskedRect3DLazyDataImpl | |
CSplineMaskedRectElement2DLazyDataImpl | |
CSplineMaskedRectElement3DLazyDataImpl | |
CSplineRect2DLazyDataImpl | |
CSplineRect3DLazyDataImpl | |
CStackContainer | Container which have children in stack/layers |
CStackContainerBaseImpl | Common code for stack containers (which have children in stack/layers) |
CStderrLogger | |
CStdSetBoundaryImpl | Implementation of boundary logic which holds a set of node indices in std::set |
CStringInterpreter | Objects of this class allow to parse string value and interpret it as given type |
CStrongCache | Cache values of type Value using Key type to index it |
CTemperature | Physical property tag class for temperature: |
CTensor2 | Diagonal tensor with all lateral components equal |
CTensor3 | Non-diagonal tensor with all non-diagonal lateral projection |
CThermalConductivity | Thermal conductivity [W/m*K] |
CTranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use TranslatedInnerDataSource instead |
►CTranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use TranslatedInnerDataSource instead |
CLazySourceImpl | |
►CTranslatedInnerDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use TranslatedInnerDataSource instead |
CLazySourceImpl | |
CTranslatedMesh | Mesh which translates another mesh by given vector |
CTranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl | Don't use this directly, use TranslatedOuterDataSource instead |
CTranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use TranslatedOuterDataSource instead |
CTranslatedOuterDataSourceImpl< PropertyT, MULTI_FIELD_PROPERTY, SpaceType, VariadicTemplateTypesHolder< ExtraArgs... > > | Don't use this directly, use TranslatedOuterDataSource instead |
CTranslation | Represent geometry object equal to its child translated by vector |
CTranslationContainer | Geometry objects container in which every child has an associated aligner |
CTriangle | Represents triangle with one vertex at point (0, 0) |
CTriangleGenerator | Generator which creates triangular mesh by Triangle library authored by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk |
►CTriangularMesh2D | |
CBuilder | Instance of this class allows for adding triangles to the mesh effectively |
CElement | Represent FEM-like element (triangle) in TriangularMesh2D |
CElementIndex | Index which allows for fast finding elements which includes particular points |
CElementMesh | |
CElements | Wrapper to TriangularMesh2D which allows for accessing FEM-like elements |
CTriangularMesh2DGetterForRtree | Utility struct that allows for using triangular mesh in boost::geometry::index::rtree effectively (without copying coordinates of nodes) |
CTriangularPrism | Represents prism with triangular base one vertex at point (0, 0, 0) and height h |
CTrifreeCaller | |
CUnexpectedGeometryObjectTypeException | This exception is thrown when geometry object has type different than expectation (for example is 3d but expected 2d) |
►CUnionBoundarySetImpl | This logic holds a list of boundaries and represent a set of indices which is an union of sets from this boundaries |
►CIteratorImpl | |
CIteratorWithEnd | |
CVariadicTemplateTypesHolder | |
CVec | Generic template for 2D and 3D vectors |
CVec< 2, T > | Vector in 2D space |
CVec< 3, T > | Vector in 3D space |
CVecComponent | Vector component helper |
CVecFuzzyCompare | |
CVectorFieldProperty | Helper class which makes it easier to define property tags classes for vectorial fields that can be interpolated |
CVoltage | Electric voltage (V) |
CWeakCache | Cache values of type Value using Key type to index it |
CWithAligners | Template of base class for containers which have aligners, one per child |
CXMLBadAttrException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when the attribute has wrong value |
CXMLConflictingAttributesException | Exceptions of this class are thrown if two optional attributes in XML conflict with each other |
CXMLDuplicatedElementException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when illegal repetition of tag appears |
CXMLException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by plask library |
CXMLNoAttrException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when the required attribute is not found in XML tag |
►CXMLReader | XML pull parser |
CCFileDataSource | Allows to read XML from old C FILE |
CCheckTagDuplication | Util class that allow to check of duplication of tags |
CDataSource | Base class to source of data |
CEnumAttributeReader | Enum attribute reader class |
CStreamDataSource | Allows to read XML from standard C++ input stream (std::istream) |
CXMLUnexpectedAttrException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when the required attribute is not found in XML tag |
CXMLUnexpectedElementException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when the type of XML element is different than expected |
CXMLUnexpectedEndException | Exceptions of this class are thrown when XML file/data stream unexpected end |
►CXMLWriter | Object of this class help produce valid XML documents |
CElement | Represent single XML element connected with writer |
COutput | Base class for output (stream) |
CXMLWriterException | Exceptions of this type are thrown by XMLWriter class |
CYEnds | |
CZeroImpl | This template is used by Zero function and have to be specialized to support new types |
CZeroImpl< Tensor2< T > > | Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 2D vectors |
CZeroImpl< Tensor3< T > > | Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 3D vectors |
CZeroImpl< Vec< 2, T > > | Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 2D vectors |
CZeroImpl< Vec< 3, T > > | Specialization of ZeroImpl which add support for 2D vectors |
►Nreflection2d | |
CCore | |
CReflection2D_Test | |
►Nreflection3d | |
CMat | |
CReflection3D_Test | |
►Nshockley2d | |
CConductor | |
CShockley2D_Test | |
CShockleyCyl_Test | |
►Nshockley3d | |
CConductor | |
CShockley3D_Test | |
Nsimple | |
Nslab | |
►Nslab2d | |
CAsym | |
CGlass | |
►Nslab3d | |
CAsym | |
CGlass | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< plask::DynamicLibrary > | Hash method, allow to store dynamic libraries in hash maps |
►Ntemp | |
CTempGradientTest | |
►Ntherm | |
CLayer_Test | |
CStrange | |
►NTNT | |
CArray1D | |
CArray2D | |
CArray3D | |
CFortran_Array1D | |
CFortran_Array2D | |
CFortran_Array3D | |
Ci_refvec | |
CMatrix | |
CSparse_Matrix_CompRow | Read-only view of a sparse matrix in compressed-row storage format |
CStopwatch | |
CVector | [Deprecatred] Value-based vector class from pre-1.0 TNT version |
►Nuniform | |
CDiffusion2D | |
CDiffusionCyl | |
CDiffusionTest | |
CGaAsQW | |
►Nvcsel | |
►Nwire2d | |
CCladding | |
CGlass | |
CWire | |
►Nwire3d | |
CGlass | |