▼ extlib | |
► camos | |
camos.c | |
camos.h | |
mach.c | |
► fftpacx | |
c1f2kb.c | |
c1f2kf.c | |
c1f3kb.c | |
c1f3kf.c | |
c1f4kb.c | |
c1f4kf.c | |
c1f5kb.c | |
c1f5kf.c | |
c1fgkb.c | |
c1fgkf.c | |
c1fm1b.c | |
c1fm1f.c | |
cfft1b.c | |
cfft1f.c | |
cfft1i.c | |
cfft2b.c | |
cfft2f.c | |
cfft2i.c | |
cfftmb.c | |
cfftmf.c | |
cfftmi.c | |
cmf2kb.c | |
cmf2kf.c | |
cmf3kb.c | |
cmf3kf.c | |
cmf4kb.c | |
cmf4kf.c | |
cmf5kb.c | |
cmf5kf.c | |
cmfgkb.c | |
cmfgkf.c | |
cmfm1b.c | |
cmfm1f.c | |
cosq1b.c | |
cosq1f.c | |
cosq1i.c | |
cosqb1.c | |
cosqf1.c | |
cosqmb.c | |
cosqmf.c | |
cosqmi.c | |
cost1b.c | |
cost1f.c | |
cost1i.c | |
costb1.c | |
costf1.c | |
costmb.c | |
costmf.c | |
costmi.c | |
f2c.h | |
factor.c | |
fftpacx.h | |
mcfti1.c | |
mcsqb1.c | |
mcsqf1.c | |
mcstb1.c | |
mcstf1.c | |
mradb2.c | |
mradb3.c | |
mradb4.c | |
mradb5.c | |
mradbg.c | |
mradf2.c | |
mradf3.c | |
mradf4.c | |
mradf5.c | |
mradfg.c | |
mrftb1.c | |
mrftf1.c | |
mrfti1.c | |
msntb1.c | |
msntf1.c | |
r1f2kb.c | |
r1f2kf.c | |
r1f3kb.c | |
r1f3kf.c | |
r1f4kb.c | |
r1f4kf.c | |
r1f5kb.c | |
r1f5kf.c | |
r1fgkb.c | |
r1fgkf.c | |
r2w.c | |
rfft1b.c | |
rfft1f.c | |
rfft1i.c | |
rfft2b.c | |
rfft2f.c | |
rfft2i.c | |
rfftb1.c | |
rfftf1.c | |
rffti1.c | |
rfftmb.c | |
rfftmf.c | |
rfftmi.c | |
sinq1b.c | |
sinq1f.c | |
sinq1i.c | |
sinqmb.c | |
sinqmf.c | |
sinqmi.c | |
sint1b.c | |
sint1f.c | |
sint1i.c | |
sintb1.c | |
sintf1.c | |
sintmb.c | |
sintmf.c | |
sintmi.c | |
tables.c | |
w2r.c | |
xercon.c | |
xerfft.cpp | |
▼ plask | |
► common | |
► fem | |
cholesky_matrix.hpp | |
fem_solver.hpp | |
gauss_matrix.hpp | |
iterative_matrix.hpp | |
matrix.hpp | |
fem.hpp | |
► filters | |
base.hpp | |
change_space_size.hpp | |
change_space_size_cyl.hpp | |
factory.cpp | |
factory.hpp | |
filter.cpp | |
filter.hpp | |
translation.hpp | |
► geometry | |
align.cpp | |
align.hpp | This file contains aligners |
circle.cpp | |
circle.hpp | This file contains circle (geometry object) class |
clip.cpp | |
clip.hpp | |
container.cpp | |
container.hpp | This file contains containers of geometries objects |
cuboid.cpp | |
cuboid.hpp | This file contains a rotated cuboid (geometry object) class |
cylinder.cpp | |
cylinder.hpp | |
edge.cpp | |
edge.hpp | |
geometry.hpp | This file contains all plask geometry headers |
intersection.cpp | |
intersection.hpp | |
lattice.cpp | |
lattice.hpp | |
leaf.cpp | |
leaf.hpp | This file contains geometry objects leafs classes |
mirror.cpp | |
mirror.hpp | |
object.cpp | |
object.hpp | This file contains base class for geometries objects |
path.cpp | |
path.hpp | |
polygon.cpp | |
polygon.hpp | This file contains polygon (geometry object) class |
primitives.cpp | |
primitives.hpp | This file contains useful geometry primitives, like boxes, etc |
prism.cpp | |
prism.hpp | This file contains triangle (geometry object) class |
reader.cpp | |
reader.hpp | |
separator.cpp | |
separator.hpp | This file contains geometry objects separators classes |
space.cpp | |
space.hpp | |
spatial_index.cpp | |
spatial_index.hpp | |
stack.cpp | |
stack.hpp | |
transform.cpp | |
transform.hpp | |
transform_space_cartesian.cpp | |
transform_space_cartesian.hpp | |
transform_space_cylindric.cpp | |
transform_space_cylindric.hpp | |
translation_container.cpp | |
translation_container.hpp | |
triangle.cpp | |
triangle.hpp | This file contains triangle (geometry object) class |
utils.cpp | |
utils.hpp | This file contains some utils useful with geometry classes |
► log | |
data.cpp | |
data.hpp | |
id.cpp | |
id.hpp | |
log.cpp | |
log.hpp | |
► material | |
air.cpp | |
air.hpp | This file contains air |
const_material.cpp | |
const_material.hpp | Here is a definition of a material with constant parameters specified in its name |
db.cpp | |
db.hpp | |
info.cpp | |
info.hpp | This file contains classes which stores meta-information about materials |
material.cpp | |
material.hpp | This file contains base classes for materials and material database class |
mixed.cpp | |
mixed.hpp | This file contains classes for some special materials |
► mesh | |
axis1d.cpp | |
axis1d.hpp | |
basic.cpp | |
basic.hpp | This file contains some basic meshes |
boundary.cpp | |
boundary.hpp | This file contains templates of base classes for mesh's boundaries |
boundary_conditions.hpp | |
equilateral3d.cpp | |
equilateral3d.hpp | This file contains equilateral mesh for 3D space |
extruded_triangular3d.cpp | |
extruded_triangular3d.hpp | |
generator_rectangular.cpp | |
generator_rectangular.hpp | |
generator_triangular.cpp | |
generator_triangular.hpp | |
hyman.hpp | |
interpolation.cpp | |
interpolation.hpp | |
lateral.hpp | |
mesh.cpp | |
mesh.hpp | This file contains base classes for meshes |
ordered1d.cpp | |
ordered1d.hpp | This file contains rectilinear mesh for 1d space |
rectangular.hpp | |
rectangular2d.cpp | |
rectangular2d.hpp | This file contains rectangular mesh for 2D space |
rectangular3d.cpp | |
rectangular3d.hpp | This file contains rectangular mesh for 3D space |
rectangular_common.cpp | |
rectangular_common.hpp | |
rectangular_masked.hpp | |
rectangular_masked2d.cpp | |
rectangular_masked2d.hpp | |
rectangular_masked3d.cpp | |
rectangular_masked3d.hpp | |
rectangular_masked_common.cpp | |
rectangular_masked_common.hpp | |
rectangular_masked_spline.cpp | |
rectangular_masked_spline.hpp | |
rectangular_spline.cpp | |
rectangular_spline.hpp | |
rectilinear3d.cpp | |
rectilinear3d.hpp | This file contains rectilinear mesh for 3D space |
regular1d.cpp | |
regular1d.hpp | This file defines regular mesh for 1d space |
transformed.hpp | |
triangular2d.cpp | |
triangular2d.hpp | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.hpp | This file contains some utils useful with mesh classes |
► phys | |
constants.hpp | This file contains basic physical constants |
functions.cpp | |
functions.hpp | |
► properties | |
electrical.hpp | |
energylevels.hpp | |
filters-electrical-bandedges.cpp | |
filters-electrical-carriersconcentration.cpp | |
filters-electrical-currentdensity.cpp | |
filters-electrical-potential.cpp | |
filters-electrical-quasifermilevels.cpp | |
filters-electrical-voltage.cpp | |
filters-electrical.cpp | |
filters-gain.cpp | |
filters-optical.cpp | |
filters-thermal.cpp | |
gain.hpp | |
names.cpp | |
optical.hpp | |
thermal.hpp | |
► provider | |
combined_provider.hpp | This file contains templates and base classes for providers which combines (for example: sum) values from other providers |
provider.hpp | This file contains base classes for providers and receivers |
providerfor.hpp | This file contains classes and templates which allow to generate providers and receivers |
scaled_provider.hpp | This file contains templates for provider that scales source by some value |
► utils | |
► dynlib | |
loader.cpp | |
loader.hpp | |
manager.cpp | |
manager.hpp | |
► xml | |
exceptions.cpp | |
exceptions.hpp | This file contains definitions of exceptions used by XML reader and writer |
reader.cpp | |
reader.hpp | |
writer.cpp | |
writer.hpp | |
cache.hpp | This file contains cache map indexed by objects which can emit events, like GeometryObjects, Meshes, etc |
debug.hpp | This file contains debugging utils |
event.hpp | This file contains utils for events types |
format.hpp | This file contains utils to format strings |
interpolation.hpp | This file contains interpolation utils |
iterators.hpp | This file contains iterators utils |
lexical_cast.hpp | This file contains lexical cast for std::complex<double> |
metaprog.hpp | This file contains meta-programing tools |
minimal_windows.h | |
numbers_set.hpp | |
openmp.hpp | This file contains OpenMP related tools |
stl.hpp | This file contains tools which provide compatibility with STL containers, etc |
string.cpp | |
string.hpp | This file contains string and parsers utils |
system.cpp | |
system.hpp | This file contains portable wrappers for some functions from operating system API |
warnings.hpp | This file contains portable utils to manage (mainly disable for a given fragment of code) compiler warnings |
xml.hpp | |
► vector | |
2d.cpp | |
2d.hpp | This file contains implementation of vector in 2D space |
3d.cpp | |
3d.hpp | This file contains implementation of vector in 3D space |
boost_geometry.hpp | This file contains adaptation of plask's vector for using it with boost geometry |
common.hpp | In this file some basis common for all vectors (2D and 3D) are defined |
lateral.cpp | |
lateral.hpp | |
tensor2.cpp | |
tensor2.hpp | This file contains implementation of tensor in 2D space |
tensor3.cpp | |
tensor3.hpp | This file contains implementation of tensor in 2D space |
axes.cpp | |
axes.hpp | This file contains utils connected with names of axes |
data.cpp | |
data.hpp | This file contains classes which can hold (or points to) datas |
exceptions.cpp | |
exceptions.hpp | This file contains definitions of most exceptions classes which are used in PLaSK |
lazydata.cpp | |
lazydata.hpp | |
manager.cpp | |
manager.hpp | This file contains: |
material.hpp | |
math.cpp | |
math.hpp | |
memalloc.hpp | |
memory.hpp | This file contains utils connected with memory management, it contains utils to operate on memory, pointers, smart pointers, etc |
optional.hpp | |
parallel.cpp | |
parallel.hpp | |
plask.hpp | This file allows for easy include of all plask features |
serialize.hpp | |
solver.cpp | |
solver.hpp | This file includes base class for solvers |
style.hpp | This is an empty file containing only style guide for Doxygen |
vec.hpp | |
▼ solvers | |
► electrical | |
► ddm2d | |
► python | |
ddm2d_python.cpp | |
ddm2d.cpp | |
ddm2d.hpp | |
fd.cpp | |
fd.hpp | |
► diffusion | |
► notes | |
diffusion2.py | |
matrices2-shb.py | |
matrices2.py | |
► python | |
diffusion.cpp | Sample Python wrapper for your solver |
► tests | |
diffusion3d.py | |
gaussian.py | |
uniform.py | |
diffusion2d.cpp | |
diffusion2d.hpp | |
diffusion3d-eval-shb.ipp | |
diffusion3d-eval.ipp | |
diffusion3d.cpp | |
diffusion3d.hpp | |
► olddiffusion | |
► python | |
diffusion1d.cpp | Sample Python wrapper for your solver |
► tests | |
gaussian.py | |
uniform.py | |
diffusion1d.cpp | |
diffusion1d.hpp | |
► shockley | |
► python | |
electr_python.cpp | |
► tests | |
cond2d.py | |
shockley2d.py | |
shockley3d.py | |
beta.cpp | |
beta.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
electr2d.cpp | |
electr2d.hpp | |
electr3d.cpp | |
electr3d.hpp | |
► gain | |
► freecarrier | |
► python | |
freecarrier_python.cpp | Sample Python wrapper for your solver |
► tests | |
gaas.py | |
gaas3d.py | |
fd.cpp | |
fd.hpp | |
freecarrier.cpp | |
freecarrier.hpp | |
freecarrier2d.cpp | |
freecarrier2d.hpp | |
freecarrier3d.cpp | |
freecarrier3d.hpp | |
gauss_matrix.hpp | |
► wasiak | |
► python | |
wasiak-python.cpp | Sample Python wrapper for your solver |
► tests | |
gaas.py | |
newgain.py | |
simplegaintest.cpp | |
► wzmocnienie | |
► jama | |
jama_cholesky.h | |
jama_eig.h | |
jama_lu.h | |
jama_qr.h | |
jama_svd.h | |
► tnt | |
tnt.h | |
tnt_array1d.h | |
tnt_array1d_utils.h | |
tnt_array2d.h | |
tnt_array2d_utils.h | |
tnt_array3d.h | |
tnt_array3d_utils.h | |
tnt_cmat.h | |
tnt_fortran_array1d.h | |
tnt_fortran_array1d_utils.h | |
tnt_fortran_array2d.h | |
tnt_fortran_array2d_utils.h | |
tnt_fortran_array3d.h | |
tnt_fortran_array3d_utils.h | |
tnt_i_refvec.h | |
tnt_math_utils.h | |
tnt_sparse_matrix_csr.h | |
tnt_stopwatch.h | |
tnt_subscript.h | |
tnt_vec.h | |
tnt_version.h | |
kublybr.cc | |
kublybr.h | |
ferminew.cpp | |
ferminew.hpp | |
typy.hpp | |
complex.py | |
simple.py | |
► meta | |
► shockley | |
__init__.py | |
_doc.py | |
thermoelectric.py | |
threshold.py | |
__init__.py | |
► optical | |
► effective | |
► python | |
effective.cpp | Python wrapper for optical/effective solvers |
► tests | |
carriers.py | |
efm.py | |
eim.py | |
eimtest.cpp | |
loading.py | |
bisection.cpp | |
bisection.hpp | |
brent.cpp | |
brent.hpp | |
broyden.cpp | |
broyden.hpp | |
efm.cpp | |
efm.hpp | |
eim.cpp | |
eim.hpp | |
gauss_matrix.hpp | |
muller.cpp | |
muller.hpp | |
patterson-data.cpp | |
patterson-data.hpp | |
patterson.cpp | |
patterson.hpp | |
rootdigger.cpp | |
rootdigger.hpp | |
► modal | |
► bessel | |
besselj.hpp | |
expansioncyl-fini.cpp | |
expansioncyl-fini.hpp | |
expansioncyl-infini.cpp | |
expansioncyl-infini.hpp | |
expansioncyl.cpp | |
expansioncyl.hpp | |
solvercyl.cpp | |
solvercyl.hpp | |
zeros-data.cpp | |
zeros-data.hpp | |
► fourier | |
expansion2d.cpp | |
expansion2d.hpp | |
expansion3d.cpp | |
expansion3d.hpp | |
fft.hpp | |
fftpack.cpp | |
solver2d.cpp | |
solver2d.hpp | |
solver3d.cpp | |
solver3d.hpp | |
toeplitz.hpp | |
► python | |
besselcyl-python.cpp | |
besselcyl-python.hpp | |
fourier-python.hpp | |
fourier2d-python.cpp | |
fourier2d-python.hpp | |
fourier3d-python.cpp | |
fourier3d-python.hpp | |
modal-python.cpp | |
modal-python.hpp | |
► tests | |
bands4-plot.py | |
bands6-plot.py | |
bessel.py | |
carriers.py | |
fft_test.cpp | |
fiber.py | |
fields2d.py | |
fields3d.py | |
fresnel.cpp | |
fresnel.py | |
grating.py | |
invmult_benchmark.cpp | |
layers.py | |
reflection2d.py | |
reflection3d.py | |
slab2d.py | |
slab3d.py | |
temp.py | |
toeplitz_test.cpp | |
vcsel.py | |
wire2d.py | |
wire3d.py | |
admittance.cpp | |
admittance.hpp | |
brent.cpp | |
brent.hpp | |
broyden.cpp | |
broyden.hpp | |
diagonalizer.cpp | |
diagonalizer.hpp | |
expansion.cpp | |
expansion.hpp | |
fortran.hpp | |
gauss_laguerre.cpp | |
gauss_laguerre.hpp | |
gauss_legendre.cpp | |
gauss_legendre.hpp | |
impedance.cpp | |
impedance.hpp | |
matrices.cpp | |
matrices.hpp | |
meshadapter.cpp | |
meshadapter.hpp | |
muller.cpp | |
muller.hpp | |
patterson-data.cpp | |
patterson-data.hpp | |
patterson.cpp | |
patterson.hpp | |
reflection.cpp | |
reflection.hpp | |
rootdigger-impl.hpp | |
rootdigger.cpp | |
rootdigger.hpp | |
solver.cpp | |
solver.hpp | |
solverbase.hpp | |
temp_matrix.hpp | |
transfer.cpp | |
transfer.hpp | |
xance.cpp | |
xance.hpp | |
slab.py | |
► skel | |
► python | |
your_solver.cpp | Sample Python wrapper for your solver |
► test | |
your_test.cpp | |
your_solver.cpp | |
your_solver.hpp | Sample solver header for your solver |
► thermal | |
► dynamic | |
► python | |
dynamic_python.cpp | |
femT2d.cpp | |
femT2d.hpp | |
femT3d.cpp | |
femT3d.hpp | |
► static | |
► python | |
therm_python.cpp | |
► tests | |
therm.py | |
common.hpp | |
therm2d.cpp | |
therm2d.hpp | |
therm3d.cpp | |
therm3d.hpp | |